by Sunspot 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    Sitting here having my morning coffee and I hear on the Police scanner---there is a tornado heading for us!

    It is a clear, calm and windless morning in the high 50-degree range.....not a leaf is moving outside my window! I'm about 4 miles as the crow flies ---about 10 miles by main roads---from Lake Ontario.....and the Weather Channel has indeed reported there IS a "water spout" heading towards the shoreline, and since that report, more have been spotted.

    "Water spout" sounds less terrifying than "tornado", but I guess it pretty much means the same thing. But nobody has said a word about this in about 15 minutes so I guess the excitement is over....thank goodness!

    Ya just never know what the day will hold, do we? I'd say it's time now for another cuppa !



  • parakeet

    Keep an ear to the scanner, Annie! The NWS radar doesn't show much happening in New York state, but you never know. BTW, I hope you're making steady progress with your recovery.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Yikes Sunspot!!

    Be careful!!


    Lady Liberty

  • delilah

    Sunspot, listen to your scanner.....and take cover if necessary.

  • Sunspot

    Thank you Ladies! So far---so good!

    We had a very short shower and then everything cleared right back up again......nothing weather-related on the scanner since that one announcement. We DID have a tornado touch down here in August 1991.....was THAT scarey!!!! It sounded like a freight train running through the back woods! It did some pretty weird things to some of our things.....and did nothing to the piddly little aluminum and plastic lawn furniture!

    Thanks for the sweet concern,



  • fullofdoubtnow

    I hope you are safe and sound Annie, and stay that way.

    We tend not to have those sort of extremes of weather in the UK too often, but I can imagine it would be very frightening.

    take care


  • kwintestal

    Hopefully everything will stay on that side of the lake!

    Keep safe, and if you wake up in Oz, look for the big green city with the hot-air balloon! I know these things.


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