How can disfellowshipped effectively reach family with JW facts?

by Madame Quixote 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Are there any d'f'ed people out there who have been able to reach their families effectively with info about the JWs on issues such as UN membership, AJWRB, etc.? How could you get them to actually read or research the mails (if you sent them the info). I thought about creating a fake apologist newsletter that pretends to prepare them for "challenges and objections", but I don't know where to start exactly. Any other (inexpensive) suggestions that are tried and true? I also welcome brainstorming . . .

  • jgnat

    Postcards are good. The text is out there in the open.

    Also, instead of trying to reach them with facts, how about a little bit of "worldly" love? Like casseroles when they are sick or grieving, small errands when they are weak, cookies for no reason at all?

  • jgnat
  • lisavegas420

    I have been wanting to send some info to my family. But I don't want them to know it came from me. I was thinking about the postcard suggestion and dropping it in the mail when we go to another state.


  • penny2

    I'm a fader and have a good relationship with my family. However, I can't get through to them on any issues. Their minds are closed.

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