On line games

by greendawn 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    I am thinking about starting to play on line games, so those of you who are acquainted with this area of the internet what sort of websites and games to you enjoy and recommend? Any dangers from viruses and other malware while playing?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I've found a few sites that download tracking cookies, but nothing that AdAware or Spybot won't find between them.

    Miniclip.com is notorious for them! But it is a good games site.

    specialbus.com is another of my faves - this is made up of links to other sites such as the above.

    If you want to play interactive, I've just been introduced to pogo.com - no adware/spyware so far!

    What kind of games are you looking to play? Maybe someone else will have more specific sites.

  • gwyneth

    I love the games on Pogo. Some are interactive. You have to download Java to play them. If you join, there are no ads. If you don't, then ads will pop up every third game or so on some of the games (like Poppit)

    I am addicted to iSketch. www.isketch.net It's like Pictionary. I got a Wacom tablet, and I kick ass. You have to download Adobe Shockwave Media Player for it.

    Once in awhile I play Strike a Match on Boxerjam.

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