Great interview with Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight. See the following video link 15 mins into the programme:
by slimboyfat 4 Replies latest jw friends
Great interview with Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight. See the following video link 15 mins into the programme:
I'm going to attend a Richard Dawkins lecture on October 28. Even though I don't agree with many of his views, I find his work interesting and look forward to seeing him in person.
Where? Are there details of the event online?
What books have you read?
I have read The Blind Watchmaker, The Ancestor's Tale and part of The Selfish Gene.
The Blind Watchmaker made me doubt the Witnesses just as much a CofC or any online apostate material.
Personally, I have not yet read his books (I intend to pick up The Blind Watchmaker) yet, I have read a few interviews done with him that are posted online. I am going to attend his lecture to learn more about him.
He is lecturing at Caltech's Beckman Auditorium in Padadena, CA. It is part of the lecture series that is hosted by Skeptic's Magazine and Michael Shermer (editor of Skeptic). (I am going to attend one of Shermer's lectures tomorrow. Here are some links and email addresses for info:
If you can't find the info you're looking for; Google the words Caltech Lecture Series Richard Dawkins
Thx for the link, slimboyfat! Another truthseeker! (Actually it's 17 minutes into the video.)