ok....I haven't posted on here in a really long time. Hi all. So, I just had a baby ( a girl after 3 boys, woohoo!!! ) a little less than three weeks ago. I haven't been to a meeting in more than five years. My husband hasn't gone in over a year ( but he still believes, unlike myself ). Anyway, it seems if you give birth, it opens the flood gates of visits from witnesses, and I am really starting to get annoyed!! It started the day after I came home from the hospital. It was a Sunday, and an elder ( who I really do not like at all ) and his wife just decided to drop on by. No phone call before hand to see if I was up for visitors. Thankfully I was sleeping with the baby, and my husband answered the door and talked to them. A week later, I am awaked at 11 AM ( baby was up all night and I was trying to catch up on sleep ) by my dog barking furiously. I come out to the kitchen ( in my P.J.'s with my boobs half hanging out ) and see there is someone at my door. Why it was my mother ( a witness of course ) in her Sunday best. I answer the door quite groggy, and she takes one look at me and says "Oh, I guess you're not up for company, eh?" I say "no, most definately not". She tells me she has a car group of people in the car who would like to see me, but I decline the request, and she is off on her merry way. Yesterday I finally get out of the house to go food shopping, and when I get home I am informed that two brothers ( one I don't mind ), an elder and a servant stopped by to see the baby. Okaaaaayyy. I have only a few weeks left of my maternity leave, and I feel as though I have to spend it on alert. I wanted a relaxing ( as relaxing as it can be with a newborn ) few weeks to spend with my little girl, not fending off witnesses. My so called "worldly" friends are polite enough to call first before coming over. I suppose the witnesses figure I either a) wouldn't pick up the phone if they called, or b) I would tell them no, they may not come over. Any way, I just wanted to complain a little a get that off my chest, and I knew you guys would listen and understand. :)
coming out of the woodwork
by bittersweet 8 Replies latest jw friends
hemp lover
Welcome back and congratulations! Sorry about all the unwanted visitors, but it sounds like you're handling them the right way (or the way I would anyhow ;-)
Congratulations! Amazing how rude the Jdubs are compared to those evil worldly people who call first.
kitten whiskers
You poor thing! Isn't it amazing how clueless some people are! Here's hoping if any more stop- they are polite enough to bring you a wonderful already made dinner and are just stopping to drop it off because they care. Kiss your sweet baby girl for us and congratulations!
Kitten Whiskers
Remember that JWs spend 1 to 3 hours a week dropping in on people unannounced and figure they are doing them a favor. I'm not surprised that they lack basic manners when it comes to someone they might view as a fellow believer.
That was the one thing I hated about d2d, dropping by unannounced.
Did any of these people show any interest in you before the baby? They have a ready made blackmail topic...Sister Bittersweet, have you thought that if you don't come back to the KH that you are condemning your children to eternal destruction?
My husband was talking about that today when we learned that a friend had a daughter born to he and his wife this week. Just another leverage point.
Congratulations on your successful maneuvering, bittersweet and on 5 years out; me too. Congratulations on the new baby.
No Apologies
Hey bittersweet,
welcome back, congrats on the baby and the hubby at least not going to meetings, thats progress!
No Apologies
Welcome back bittersweet, and congrats on the baby girl.
Hopefully, the dubs will get the message soon and start leaving you alone, though they are somewhat slower than most.
Thanks for the replies all! No apologies, how the heck are you?? I am very glad hubby doesn't go to meetings. He is a high anxiety kinda fellow, and his main reason for not going back is because he has been gone for so long he is nervous about it. He still plans too, but I am just happy for whatever I can get. He won't make my kids go, and he lets them do what they want. Both my teenagers even have girlfriends who come over all the time, and both of them also have a band and they are allowed to play shows and everything!! I really can't complain about the homefront. Also, my sister is slowly fading and her husband who was an elder stepped down and even grew a beard! Imagine that! Blondie....funny thing about these people dropping by. None of them seemed to care before I had my baby. And none of them brought me a meal. I believe they were just counting their service time and needed someone to bug, so they chose me. I am really beginning to think I should just DA myself, then they would leave me alone. Thanks again for all your congrats. I can't even begin to say how excited I am to have a little girl after all these years! :)
Don't give much explanation, but put a note on the door.
Screen the calls.