In which ways did the Watchtower affect or mold your personality?

by The wanderer 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer
    Your Personality as One of Jehovah's Witnesses

    Can you recall when the Watchtower Society would counsel us
    regarding developing that "sheep" like personality? Or, perhaps,
    can you remember talks and magazine articles dealing with the
    fruits of the spirit?

    The Sheep Like Personality

    Many times, I thought to myself how constricting this "sheep"
    like personality was for me. It made me become something
    that I really was not.

    However, by the same token, trying to develop such cha-
    racter traits did refine my personality to some degree.

    Then and Now

    In reading some of the posts and threads on this discussion
    board, it leads me to think that some individuals still have traits
    that they still carried over from the days when they were one
    of Jehovah's Witness.

    That may or may not be a bad thing depending on your per-
    spective on the matter.

    The Questions Surrounding this Issue

    1.) Do you think the Society wanted us to develop these traits
    so it would be easier to control the "masses"— as it were?

    2.) In addition, did developing these "fruits of the spirit" crush
    or stifle your personality?

    3.) Finally, are there any good personality traits that you carried
    away with you, now that you are no longer a Jehovah's Witness?

    Please add your commentary to this open-minded discussion


    The Wanderer

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    The Watchtower severely affected my abilty to make decisions for myself. I was young, but an adult when I entered their mind control. Before I joined, I didn't have much trouble deciding what I should do or how I felt about things. After 30 years, I find myself constantly uncertain when I face certain decisions. And then I doubt my decision later. I believe this is because I was not allowed to really decide much for myself when I was a JW. I just looked up the answer in some publication.

    I gave so much control of my life to people I don't even know. Scary thought. I am slowly learning to do better, but I don't know if the mind conditioning of always looking to someone else for an answer will ever totally be overcome.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    There have been pro's and con's . I don't think it is bad to follow the bible counsel to put on the fruitage of the spirit : love , joy, peace goodness, kindness ect.ect . What is unhealthy is the Society making the interpretations in our lives on how to apply these traits such as : Having us believe twisted ideas such as it is LOVE to shun a family member for the rest of their life for smoking ? We maintain peace with our brothers when we allow them to get away treating us like crap instead of standing up for ourselves . Joy means spending every free time we have wandering the country side knocking on doors of people that are not home . Long suffering means never questioning the Elder bodies decisions even when they are wrong .

  • rebel8

    I did get some mold on my personality, but I just scraped it off and ate it anyway.


  • jayhawk1

    The wood paneling at the local Kingdom Hall had mold on them. The building had some sort of wierd ventillation problem. Probably from not having any windows.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I don't feel the "new personality" I put on as a jw was better than the old one.

    As a jw I was more judgemental, more inclined to join in gossip, willing, though not happy to ignore people I knew and liked for a minor mistake. I was never like that before I became a jw, and I am gradually leaving those trait behind now Iam no longer a jw.

  • JWdaughter

    It was only recently, while considering an essay for a contest that I realized how much they had affected my personality, my intellect and my curiosity. The most important was fear. I am a person who is very curious, who wants to know 'the truth', but because of the way I was raised, I was really afraid to SEEK it out-to really turn over rocks and maybe see the slugs. Obviously I did eventually with regard to the WT, but I had trouble for years doing so regarding the entire Bible, religion, etc-because I kept seeing glimpses of things I wasn't able to deal with and still maintain my mindset-which was pretty fundamentalist as regards the Bible, conservative regarding politics and in general, you get the picture.

    I started examining the idea of how Americans sense reality-whether we have a sense of reality or if we ever did. It really made me examine MYSELF. I was very afraid to turn over rocks that would upset my reality. I wanted life to be very nice. I always want to be kind to people(that reality hasn't changed) and assumed that most people have good intentions, most people try to be honest, most people. . .well I had a lot of pollyanna attitudes about people in religion and politics. You know what? There is a lot of grey in the world. I was unwilling to see that because of my upbringing-even when I rejected a large portion of the upbringing, the impression remained. Now my upbringing wasn't pollyanna-it was negative and depressive-very cynical. But my need not to see things that would rock my world remained. Well, I had the 'epiphany', but I never did do the essay. It was due today and I only just got over the pneumonia. It might have been a good one, but if I had not been sick, I don't know that I would have realized it by now anyway.

    I have been looking under the rocks of my life, my assumptions, presumptions, hopes, dreams and wishes. I have realized that I never went into law because I didn't want to come to a negative conclusion. I didn't want to KNOW evil things were true. I didn't want to face people who deliberately were bad. I didn't want to research things and learn things that shot down my opionion about a person, people, idea or law. For example, for years I would not read things politically that didn't support what I believed. Only in the last few months have I been able to really see things that made me uncomfortable (like the death penalty is used on innocents sometimes-ouch). Things that would throw me off my pedestal of surety scared me. It still does, but I have seen these patterns in others in recent years and didn't want to turn into those people, mindlessly spouting off the opinions of one person/party/idea. I don't fit in anyones box, and I don't need to. I can say what I really think, I can ACTUALLY express that I am unsure or have doubts-reality doesn't change, but my perceptions sometimes do-and change is good. Growth is good. So right now I feel like a snake working out of an old dried skin, but I am excited to see who I can become when I am brave enough to really look into things, rather than being afraid of what is really there. And if what is there is REALLY scary, then the good thing is I can at least try to do something to change it. That is kind of exciting.

  • love2Bworldly


    "The Watchtower severely affected my abilty to make decisions for myself. I was young, but an adult when I entered their mind control. Before I joined, I didn't have much trouble deciding what I should do or how I felt about things. After 30 years, I find myself constantly uncertain when I face certain decisions. And then I doubt my decision later. I believe this is because I was not allowed to really decide much for myself when I was a JW. I just looked up the answer in some publication.

    I gave so much control of my life to people I don't even know. Scary thought. I am slowly learning to do better, but I don't know if the mind conditioning of always looking to someone else for an answer will ever totally be overcome."

    You know what you said really made me think. I always blamed my dysfunctional parents or my previously shy personality (which I'm not anymore for the most part) for the fact that I've always had a hard time having an opinion or trusting my instincts to know what I want or just standing up for myself. After reading your post, I think the Borg also contributed to the way I am. Food for thought today.

  • lonelysheep

    Wanderer, is that you and your family?

    1.) Do you think the Society wanted us to develop these traits
    so it would be easier to control the "masses"— as it were?

    Yes, definately. Individuality was not allowed, although I was often told that there are different personalitites among ja's people. There never really was.

    2.) In addition, did developing these "fruits of the spirit" crush
    or stifle your personality?

    Yes, it stifled my personality. I'm very outspoken, and I had to bring myself down to a "good little girl" mental status.

    3.) Finally, are there any good personality traits that you carried
    away with you, now that you are no longer a Jehovah's Witness?

    Hmmm, no! I don't stand up for myself to the degree that I once did. That can't be a good thing.

  • greendawn

    It was in a negative way, it made me feel cut off from the rest of society and oppressed by a very negative and fake god image. Being spiritual in a supportive environment is not difficult but the JWs are certainly not that.

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