Does anyone know where I can download the entire video? I want to burn it to disk for my wife. I see where you can only view it on Google, but was hoping it was available somewhere for download. Thanks
Jehovahs Witnesses Exposed Video
by sinis 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I googled Jehovah's Witnesses Exposed Video, and it was first on the list.
Go to the website and do a search on thier search engine under the name of the video. If there is any site that affords you the ability of a complete download, I'm sure they will be able to provide a link for you.
- it pops up on that link from time to time ... you could ask on the forums.
Or, if you mail me your address if you are in the UK, I can send you a copy on CD.
You need a program that will convert the GVP file to .avi. I know I found one a few months ago. I'll look around and see if I can find a place that you can download one. Then all you'll have to do is download the video from google video and convert it, and burn it to disc.
Thanks. I figured it out. Just open the gvp file in a text editor. It will show the link to the video. Copy the URL and it will start the avi download.