a good link to why the WTS is afraid of the internet
by headmath 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Thanks headmath, it looks a good site, I'll read it later.
The website makes these claims:
The Internet represents freedom of information. When Witnesses read anything other than the propaganda the Watchtower puts out, they can see truthful gaping holes and rapidly changing theology
While this is true it must also be said that you cannot believe everything you read. If you did then all Canadians would be living in igloo's and your parents would ALWAYS be right..Check out these claims:
- forbidden to read the Bible alone.
- forbidden to read a personal letter from a non-JW friend with a Bible verse in it.
These 2 claims are not true. They are urged not to study it alone but reading and studying are two different things and all JW's are encouraged to read the bible daily. And as for the last claim they offer no evidence in support of it. While they discuss tracts and religious material, even getting a letter from an apostate "For example, what will you do if you receive a letter or some literature, open it, and see right away that it is from an apostate?" there is no proof that a JW is forbidden to recieve a personal letter from a non JW friend with a bible verse in it.
I love the website www.breakthechain.org it has taught me to view everything on the internet with a critical eye (especially e-mail). In my opinion the authors of http://www.bible.ca/Jw-internet.htm need to clean up their act and present better, tighter arguements for thier case and especially to watch the wording.
I do not think this site is good at all.
Interesting link, headmath. The internet is to the WTS what DNA typing is to rapists.
You hit the nail on the head with your comparison of the internet/WT and DNA/rapists.
Before the days of DNA some rapist thought he could get away with it and cry "mistaken identity" - but his DNA nailed him.
Before the days of the internet the WT could say "we never said that" - but the literature and past quotes (their DNA) nailed them.
They must be sooo pissed off!
Well, the link you showed ( bible.ca) is a web site belonging to another religion, we what a surprise, they didn't say anything nice.
The offical standpoint of the WTS is that there are a lot of Apostates on the Internet who might mislead you. But the quotes from the Society themselves that you wouldnt find elsewhere are very interestings. (And naturally no elder would show them to you)
Converts, my friend!
On a related note, did you realize that this board is #2 on Google for "jehovahs witness"?
They dread their followers checking out their ideology on the internet because their doctrines are so rotten and can't stand up to scrutiny. In the early 1980's people got thrown out from the New York Bethel for wanting to study the Bible without their publications. Apparently it hit a raw nerve with them because that attitude threatened their business, they make a lot of profit by selling those publications.
This site is run by the Church of Christ cult. Just as bad as the WTB&TS cult.