Walking Round London Town

by slimboyfat 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    I love the London accent! It just speaks to tremendous cynicism about everything, and overarching confidence that everything of significance in life has already been cracked, to be explained to outsiders - if they can be bothered. Non-Londoners are clearly naive by comparison. Listen to the accent through the song:


    But is Lily Allen's accent genuine? It may be, but is said to betray an early childhood quite unlike her more recent priviledge. Lily Allen apparently comes from a very wealthy background. So is there an element of exploitation of a certain perspective on "street life" that she can hardy have had much direct experience of... a fake version of "Jenny from the block"? Or she may be presenting a genuine internal attempt at reconstruction of how life was/would have been when her family was poor in her early childhood.

    Isn't it more and more the case that talent doesn't get singers to the top these days - it is connections and "who you know" that matters a lot more. A rich girl decides she wants to be a pop star so she talks to the right people, gets a record deal, and off she goes...

    Leads to the question - is London cynicism itself genuine, or merely a projection by successful escapees of less priviledged city life?


  • Crumpet

    Saw her on Jonathan Ross at the weekend - I think she does have some talent but then so do lots of kids no one has ever heard of or will. It must help having a rich famous daddy - but he does have quite a strong london accent - is his real?

    Let you know if I think she is talented when I see her live supporting scissor sisters at wembley next month!

  • slimboyfat

    Hi Crumpet,

    I saw her on Jonanthan Ross too. A rather truncated interview - a bit embarrassing as it was clear Jonathan Ross was not at all interested in her music or in her, more in her mother's breasts.
    She did not sing live on the show, and has yet to "prove" she really can sing.

    But as I say, I just love her accent and typical London attitude!


  • Jerohobobonadad

    My 2 cents...

    She's a fake. She's 21, she's from a wealthy background. She went to private school. Where would she have got these experiences from? (Words to LDN)

    "Riding through the city on my bike all day
    Cause the filth took away my licence
    It doesn't get me down and I feel ok
    Cause the sights that I'm seeing are priceless

    Everything seems to look as it should
    But I wonder what goes on behind doors
    A fella looking dapper, but he's sittin with a slapper
    Then I see it's a pimp and his crack whore"

    She also says she was dealing ecstacy at 15. Buying a pill or 2 then flogging them to your school mates is not dealing.

    Pull the other one. But, it's nice work if you can get. She's already made more money than I'll ever in my life so fair play to her. It's only entertainment at the end of the day.

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