Have a look at this site. They have wondeful pictures of the earth,the moon, the galaxy. You can also make a specific search. Enjoy !
For those who like "Astronomy"
by JH 9 Replies latest jw friends
some cool pics there JH. Its amazing how colorful life is out there and under water. I also enjoyed the photography in documentary March of the Penguins
Richard Hoagland (of "Face-on-Mars" fame) needs to check out this picture:
I always love the photo pf the day there.
To add something that might interests others, I love this little free (
GNUGPL) planetarium software called Stellarium. Apparently, it's actually being used in some planetariums, but you can run it on PC, Mac or Linux. -
I found this site interesting, It gives you the time and location for satelite and international space station passes, specifically for your address, you then can watch them sail by. Has other stuff to .
It's free
Oh btw don't tell the terrorists.
This is the neatest thing I've seen yet.....a movie of the Huygens probe descending and landing on Saturn's moon Titan. Really cool stuff, packed with info too.
Thanks for the link JH. Looking at those pictures made me pause and reflect on how minute we are in the scheme of things. I also sent the link to my son who is extremely interested in astronomy.
When you see a picture that you like, you can click on it for it to expand.
Great song by Blue Oyster Cult.
kitten whiskers
Wow! Need I say more? Thank you for posting that. My little brain can only take so much at once though. I'll have to look at more later. Simply astounding. Kitten Whiskers