Wow, what a voice! Been listening to a couple of CDs of hers. That was talent!
Edith Piaf
by Gregor 9 Replies latest social entertainment
Je ne regrette rien.
She was my favorite singer... She also had Rheamatoid Arthrities like me. She suffered terribly. Cant seem to find any of her work now.Where did you find it????
hemp lover
I had heard of her for years, but what motivated me to finally go out and buy a CD was the scene in "Saving Private Ryan" where the soldiers are waiting for the Germans in that bombed out town and one of them brings out a phonograph and plays an Edith Piaf record. Very haunting and beautiful.
I've always rather wondered who that was. That's just wonderful! She's now on my short amazon wishlist.
the "little sparrow" ... her songs are so moving and full of passion... her voice is like sunshine to me!
mouthy, buy recordings here (scroll down to the bottom to listen to samples):
Willow man I just found your reply.... Sorry It took so long But thanks a lot that was a great help ((HUGS))
Mireille Matthieu is another favourite of mine. In my opinion, she has the same voice as Edith Piaf, is the same size, and has the same fervour. She's not as famous as Edith for some reason, but she has received more gold and platinum discs outside of France than any other French singer. Both singers melt me away and often leave me weeping due to the beauty of their singing.
I will have to look for her Frank never heard of her....PLEASE dont play her very much couldnt stand to see you melt away
She has a raw yet delicate style of singing and a powerful clear voice, like with so many other singers that have style it means popularity and massive sales.