Dirty Little Tricks...

by Justice-One 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Justice-One

    Dirty little tricks...that I might add help keep me sane. I know the following pranks are stupid, but I do go to sleep at night with a smile on my face most of the time.

    One of the things I like to do when my "true-believing" wife leaves her new "study aids" and stuff on the kitchen table, is to take a few of them and burn them in the stove. Funny, she never seems to miss them. (I just made about 25 percent of her tracts go bye bye.) Another good one, is to take her new "book study" book, and carefully cut out a page or two in the middle.

    Stupid? Yes. Fun? You bethca.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Well those sound kinda fun, but not really productive.

    Why not go through the study publication and make some little comments in the margins refuting the more obvious examples of flawed logic? There's at least a couple in every paragraph...

    No Apologies

  • Effervescent

    Too funny! Sometimes it's therapy for the soul to have a naughty sense of humor about things.

  • solo

    One of the things I like to do when my "true-believing" wife leaves her new "study aids" and stuff on the kitchen table, is to take a few of them and burn them in the stove.

    I find that the Society material always burns well, unlike apostate material - always goods for getting the fire going. Nothing like a good WT and Awake to start the fire off, must be the good quality printing! Although when I don't have an open fire I tend to use the shredder. I pull a few copies of the WT and A from my parents home so they don't have so many to place, I don't think they've noticed

  • fullofdoubtnow
    Nothing like a good WT and Awake to start the fire off, must be the good quality printing!

    It's the only thing about them that is good quality!

    I have to clear my wt literature eventually, it's been in my mums spare room for ages, just boxed or bagged up. I did get rid of some, but the majority of 25 years of accumulated crap is still there, and it will soon be Nov 5th...

    Justice-One, I like the idea with the study book, I'd love to be there when she comes to the missing pages lol

  • greendawn

    Burning the publications that have propagated so many disgusting lies in the world has to be fun.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Justice One: I can really appreciate why you're doing that, but remember at the meetings they talk all the time how opposing spouses do tricky or nasty things to discourage. In the end, the believing spouse is patted on the back for sticking with it. In a way, things like that can serve to boost the faith of the believer.

    I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear. Sorry, just thought I'd throw it in.

  • Justice-One

    Hey, it's just one of the many things that I do to "stick it to the man." (At least in my mind.) Some of the others are putting "appostate" flyers in the mens room stalls, and in the contribution box at assemblies. I also go with the wife to the Sunday talk about twice a month. When I do this, around my neck and under my shirt are two things...a set of dog tags (with my blood type on them, that I got to commemorate my first blood donation) and a small cross. Combine that with the general comedy factor of the talks, and I always leave with a smile on my face.

    Ohh, and from time to time I like to ask my wife questions that would actually require her to think for herself. (Like how can the Society be spirit directed, and NOT be "inspired"?)

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    Some of the others are putting "appostate" flyers in the mens room stalls, and in the contribution box at assemblies.

    Oh man, now that sounds like fun!

    I give you a ton of credit for sitting through it all. One of the last meetings I was at I remember making snide remarks under my breath the entire time.

    Ohh, and from time to time I like to ask my wife questions that would actually require her to think for herself. (Like how can the Society be spirit directed, and NOT be "inspired"?)

    Ah, that works well. Various people in my life had done that and eventually it worked.

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