"Who Will Conquer the World in the 1970's" - Anyone have the tape?

by VM44 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    In the July 1970 Kingdom Ministry on page 3 there appeared this announcement:

    "A new circuit assembly program is scheduled to begin in September. We believe you will find it most informative and upbuilding. The public talk will be "Who Will Conquer the World in the 1970's?"

    Does anyone have or know who might have a tape of this talk? If so, please PM me.

    This talk needs to be digitized and made available for people today to hear.

    Here is previous thread about this talk.



  • VM44

    Hopefully a 36 year old tape would still be playable!

    Were cassette tape recorders available in 1970?

    If someone has the talk recorded on a tape spool then there might be a problem of finding the right equipment to play it back on.


  • daystar

    How about 8-track?

    I'd be interested to hear that myself.

    I note how the "Circuit" on that invitation looks like "CirCULT".

  • Leolaia

    "Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock an enthusiastic audience of 1,270 people were present to hear Mr. J. C. Howard of New York speak on "Who Will Conquer the World in the 1970's?" Illustrating the struggle between East and West and the efforts to dominate economically and culturally, Mr. Howard contrasted the fight to a prize arena. In one corner, he said, 'with fists clinched in red shorts, stands the champion of the East, sponsored by Soviet Russia.'

    " 'In the other corner, braced for any eventuality, stands the West, sponsored by the more liberal democratic powers of the world -- committed to keeping communist ideology from its hemisphere. Both champions have made it clear they will not hesitate to lash out nuclear punches in retaliation if necessary.'

    "The speaker emphasized that men who know the trend of world affairs, and more importantly, the Bible itself, earmarks the 70's as the generation that will tell the outcome.

    " 'Personally, world conquest can mean life or death for us,' he declared. He pointed to Jesus who was no part of the world and yet conquered the world. 'This is a decade of destiny and as Christian Witnesses of Jehovah, we can conquer the world as Jesus did by our faithfulness to God's Word, the Bible" (Burlington Times-News, 29 September 1970, p. 8B)

  • VM44

    "In one corner, he said, 'with fists clinched in red shorts, stands the champion of the East, sponsored by Soviet Russia.'"

    Oh Yes, I remember him. That was Dolph Lundgren.


  • Leolaia

    LOL, VM44! I had that mental image too...."I must break you"...

    Here's an interesting article:

    "A large Hillsboro delegation of Bible instructors and students has just returned home, as the special three-day Circuit Assembly of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses adjourned Sunday evening in Columbus.

    "Peak attendance at the week-end Bible sessions reached 2,433, according to James Carnes, local presiding minister. The large throng gathered to hear the prophetic Scriptural discourse "Who Will Conquer the World in the 1970's?" Sunday afternoon. The one-hour Bible lecture was delivered by Theodore J. Jaracz, delegate from world headquarters, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, New York" (Hillsboro Press Gazette, 11 September 1970, p. 18).

  • krismalone

    This is the badge for the Circuit assembly for the 1970 - 71 assembly program. The public talk had the theme

    "Who will conquer the world in the 1970's?".

    If anyone has the transcript or the audio recording, it would be greatly appreciated if you can share.

  • Gorbatchov

    Sometimes I think jw’s were at that time part of a anti communism project funded by US government.

    With the fall of communism JW.org lost her perpose.


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