Hi all, I have recently had the first contact with the Watch Tower and Jehovah's Witnesses. I like the way of thinking, and of interpreting the Bible. I always thought it should not be taken literally, and indeed some dilemmas in my head were solved after reading some publications and talking. The Bible is indeed wonderful, yet many times we fail to see this. I have one more dilemma though and I thought I would post on this forum, to see what interpretation this phenomenon might have in your vision. How do you think of UFOs and Extra Terestrians? Is there life on planets other than Earth? This would mean that God created more than one Paradise, and on each Paradise, an Eve was tempted? Or simply the UFOs do not exist, and there is no life on other planets, and people who claim they have seen UFOs are just hallucinating or have been deceived by demons? Or the UFOs are real, but are created on Earth by secret societies like CIA, NASA, Russians etc? What versets in Bible talk about this topic? The basic question is: Is there intelligent life on other planets, intelligent enough so as to realize the existance of a Creator? I tried to search the forum for this topic but the search feature was out of order, and google site search did not offer satisfactory results. Thanks in advance for answering this. Best Regards, Georgian Paduraru.
First Contact with Jehovah's witnesses and UFOs
by georgian.paduraru 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I personally believe in UFOs. Too many people all around the world have seen them! Including someone I know. But, I dont have a clue where they are from. Mars? we may never know. Or the government? They seem to cover it up one way or the other!
Welcome, Georgian.
Perhaps your dilemma is not caused by whether or not the universe is abundant with life - which if our planet is a relatively common example, it is rich with life -- but rather your giving credence to archaic tribal myth.
Why would we expect the Source and Sustenance of all life and universes to be so mundane and small as that presented within the pages of some desert tribes mumblings? Certainly the actual origin of an infinite universe ( and there may be countless universes) must be greater still.
When it comes to what the word G-O-D points to, it may be wise to forgo all limitations and foolish mind generated concepts that have been passed down to us from people who had no clue as to how vast things really are; and instead step into the silent vibrancy of life and existence right here and now to see what can be found here.
How do you think of UFOs and Extra Terestrians? Is there life on planets other than Earth? This would mean that God created more than one Paradise, and on each Paradise, an Eve was tempted?
If you become a jw, you will soon learn what they think about such things. UFOs, extraterrestrials, etc, are demons, in the eyes of jws. So these things are not problematic to jws. They are just another proof that Satan exists, and that he is trying to deceive people.
I don`t know which is more crazy: The jws, or those idiots running around in cornfields looking for crop circles and new age-"spirituality".
JW's believe they live on the only planet that God has put life on. Its a rather arrogant concept considering what we know about the Universe now. JW's also believe they are the only Christians who know what the bible teaches also that is another arrogant concept. Don't put down you reasoning ability on the shelf. Do your research.
You need to research the bible and read material not from JW's, their material is slanted toward their concepts and not accurate in most their quotes. I recommend you read books by Bart Ehrman, Karen Armstrong, Elaine Pagels and many more. People are largely ignorant on how the bible came to be compiled as we have it today. Religious organization promote it as the word of God but how do we know that????? Do your research.
I am so happy that you think you can find the answer quickly on the internet, especially here on this site. Yes, someone here is smart enough to know the exact answer to your question. The problem is that you have to decide who it is that gave the right answer.
If you want the WTS answer, NO, until the issue of sovereignty is completely settled, Jehovah would not create life on another planet. Is that conclusive, NO, but you gotta follow what they currently teach if you want to join them.
Hi Georgian, and welcome to the forum
I would recommend, as other posters have done, that you thoroughly research the jws before you get involved with them. They have not been consistent with their beliefs, as you will see if you research them properly. A good place to see how they have changed their bekiefs over the years is this one:
Whatever you do, I wish you well