Waiting visits Carmel

by Seven 6 Replies latest social humour

  • Seven

    I thought I'd share waiting's vacation pictures of her visit to Carmel's. Following a tiresome flight he was there to pick her up at the airport.
    They stopped by his place of business to change cabs.
    They went sight-seeing and were just in time to participate in the world's largest hide-and-seek contest.
    The rest of her stay was spent hanging out at his house. He tried to convince her to play frisbee in the backyard but she said, "No way!"

    Edited by - sevenofnine on 2 November 2000 23:14:41

    Edited by - sevenofnine on 2 November 2000 23:16:45

  • AhHah

    Well done Seven!

    You are definitely the web-link meister! How do you find all those great links??

  • Pathofthorns

    LOL@ "Frisbee" in the back yard!


  • RedhorseWoman

    LOL....those are good. Now where are the happy vacationers? Probably touring on the "taxi".

  • waiting

    Your The Woman, Seven!!!!!!!

    However, Carmel's wife told me that without his scarf around his head, he looks 50 lbs heavier. I could sit on the poor old donkey - but the would be a cruel trick on both of us.

    Seriously, why that daft man wanted to retire in that land is beyond imagination.

    Must be payback for an ill-spent life, don't you think?


  • TR

    Great pics!

    Let's flip a coin to see who gets to pick up the frisbee in the back yard.


  • Frenchy

    Hey, that was great, Seven. You sure do get around on the web!

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

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