I (a non-JW) went on a trip with my friend ( who is a long-time JW study) over the weekend. I thought she might use it as an opportunity to try to seduce me into the WTS view. She never mentioned it once. Not one word about any of it. Never heard the name Jehovah once. She didn't mention it, so I left it alone too. We had a great time!
Today when I was talking to her, she mentioned that while preparing for our trip the week before, she cancelled out on a study and then skipped KH on Sunday. Tonight she is going to a meeting or study. I can't remember which. Anyway, she said that she just knows her "guru" is going to put a big fat guilt trip on her, and she is dreading it. She said it really irritates her. I suggested that she tell her in a kind manner to read Romans 8:1 and maybe it would soak in that she should not be critical, because it is between you and God, not other people. What's right for her may not be right for you. God knows your heart. Your salvation isn't based on what "they" think you should be doing, is it? The religious Pharisees tried to give Jesus a lot of flack because He didn't jump through their hoops. He certainly let them know what really matters! (She agreed.)
Anyway, I thought you all might have better insight into this. She said she was going to look up some Scriptures to use in her defense. I thought this might be a good sign. Although she thinks they have it all right, she is getting tired of the pressure to "be there" all the time. She told me that is why she hasn't joined gung-ho yet. She doesn't feel like she can commit to the time demands.