Some intresting info I found this evening that one Islamic man writes about the whys of the attack and the laws of the Holy Koran. The link at the bottom gives the whole story. Its intresting how he defends the murders of innocents even though Islamic law condems it.
When you read this article, you will learn that (1) Islam honors the human life and considers it sacred; (2) Islam does have the "a life for a life" punishment for the enemies of Islam, but has forbidden limits unto whom the Muslims can kill and whom the Muslims can't transgress; (3) See the controversial issue regarding the attack on the US, since the airplanes and the buildings had Children, Elderly and Muslims in them; (4) Islam prohibits the killing of non-Muslims living in Muslim lands; (5) ISLAM ORDERS THE MUSLIMS TO FORGET AND FORGIVE IF THE ENEMY SEEKS PEACE WITH THE MUSLIMS!; (6) Islam also orders the Muslims to repel evil with good; (7) Islam also commands the Muslims to offer peace to the enemy, so that the enemy can become a friend.
Where is the hypocrisy in Islam here?! I am sorry that the American people lost innocent souls on 9/11/2001. But many other nations have lost many innocent souls from the US government's evil acts as well!! I have posted PICTURES below that prove my claim.
May He, the Almighty, grant Paradise to every innocent and righteous soul as He mentioned in the Noble Quran: "O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes [this obviously includes all religions and cultures on Earth], that ye may know each other. Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well-acquainted. (The Noble Quran, 49:13)"
May He, the Almighty, have mercy on the evil souls by punishing them and forgiving them afterwards as He said on the tongue of our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him: Narrated Abu Huraira: "Allah's Apostle said, 'When Allah completed the creation, He wrote in His Book which is with Him on His Throne, 'My Mercy overpowers My Anger.' ' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Beginning of Creation, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 416)"
Now regarding point #2 (a life for a life punishment), Muslims are prohibited to kill people in churches or temples. They are also prohibited to kill ill people (i.e., people in hospitals). They are also prohibited to kill children and elderly.
You never heard of a suicide bomber in Israel entered a Jewish temple and killed all of the people there. IT NEVER EVEN HAPPENED ONCE! NOT EVEN ONCE! Even though, this is by far the easiest target!
In Islam, the Muslim state is responsible for providing the proper services and maintenance to the non-Muslims to practice their religions in their temples. There is no compulsion in religion in Islam.
Calling me a hypocrite has no basis here, because all I am trying to do is to show you what the other side has to say.
All of the points mentioned above are backed with quotes and references below.
My explanation to the "Attack" on the US from the Islamic perspective:
The sections of this article are:
- My explanation to the "Attack" on the US from the Islamic perspective.
- It is not who did it! It is why it was done that really matters!
- So, who's to blame?
- Does Islam really justify Terrorism? Why do Terrorists always find justifications in Islam?
- So how come "Terrorists" use Islam as a justification then?
- The airplanes and the buildings had Children, Elderly and Muslims in them. How
can the attack be Islamicly justified then?
- Islam prohibits the killing of non-Muslims living in Muslim lands.
- Islam orders Muslims to forgive and forget if the enemy wants peace!
- Islam commands the Muslims to offer peace to the enemy, so that the enemy can
become a friend.
- The Bible has the worst cruelty! Directly against women and children.
- How do Jews and Muslims view Jesus? See the hatred of the Jews to Jesus from their
Holy Scripture, the Talmud.
- The Jews had Zionised Christianity. They scare Christians with the "end of times battle"
lie against the "Gog and Magog" army. See how Islam has the Truthful claims regarding
this issue, and how historical discoveries and events confirm Islam and not their lies that
they inserted under the so-called "Book of Revelation" in the Bible. See quotes from the
NIV Bible itself that confirm the invalidity of the Book of Revelation.
My dear friends, As'salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh (May GOD Almighty's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you) and upon your families as well.
I would like to start this article by giving you this scenario:
Suppose (GOD forbid), you were sitting one day at home with your family watching TV and having a peaceful and quiet time, and all of the sudden, a group of men break into your home, kill your brother by shooting him to death and then walk out without robbing anything or attacking any females from your family.
Wouldn't this trigger the idea in your mind that these men did not have anything against your family, but only against your brother?
From this angel, I would like to start my article.
It is not who did it! It is why it was done that really matters!
All of the evidence that we have so far as of Thursday 9/13/2001 point to Muslim fundamentalists (who don't necessarily have to belong to Osama Bin Laden's group) that they committed the suicide attack on the US.
Well, taking the scenario that I just gave you above, you have to ask yourself the simple question: "What is it that our government did to those people that drove them to commit such a big attack against us?"
Well, I believe in the philosophy that says: "A picture is worth a thousand words". Therefore, let me present few pictures for you that should shed some light upon you:
So, who's to blame?
As always, it is the top politicians who do the stupid decisions and the civilians end up paying the dearest price for it. Just like the Iraqi people had paid for the price of their dictator who imposed a bloody war upon them, and long years of sanctions that caused the death of 5 thousand infants per year for lack of medicine in Iraq, the Americans on 9/11/2001 had also suffered a similar consequence because of their government and its international policies.
In the case of Iraq, which one of the many cases against the US international policies, the war was excessive on the Iraqi people, because of the use of the Uranium bombs on the civilians. And the sanctions on the Iraqi people that ONLY HURT the Iraqi people and not the dictator were also excessive from the American Government.
That's why the US is hated today in the Middle East! It is always you and me who pay for the scums that rule us.
Does Islam really justify Terrorism? Why do Terrorists always find justifications in Islam?
Well, it is important to know that according to Islam, Muslims are forbidden to start any conflict with any nation. And killing civilians is also forbidden in Islam. Let us look at what Allah Almighty said in the Noble Quran:
"...if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people...(Noble Quran 5:32)"
"Those who invoke not, with God, any other god, nor slay such life as God has made sacred except for just cause, nor commit fornication; - and any that does this (not only) meets punishment. (The Noble Quran, 25:68)"
Here the above Noble Verses, we see that if you kill one innocent soul (whether it was a Muslim soul or not), then it is like committing a crime against all people. We also see that Allah Almighty considers the innocent soul as a "sacred" soul.
So how come "Terrorists" use Islam as a justification then?
The Noble Quran like the Bible has laws for wars. "A life for a life" exists in both the Noble Quran and the Bible. Jews, Christians and Muslims can not deny this fact.
Let us look at the Noble Quran:
: "O ye who believe! the law of equality is prescribed to you in cases of murder: the free for the free, the slave for the slave, the woman for the woman. But if any remission is made by the brother of the slain, then grant any reasonable demand, and compensate him with handsome gratitude, this is a concession and a Mercy from your Lord. After this whoever exceeds the limits shall be in grave penalty. (The Noble Quran, 2:178)"
Here in this Noble Verse, we clearly see that if the enemy kills people from us, then we must kill the same amount from them. If they kill one man, then we have to kill one man, if they kill one woman, then we have to kill one woman, if they kill one slave, then we have to kill one slave, etc...
Muslims are prohibited, however, to kill people in churches or temples. They are also prohibited to kill ill people (i.e., people in hospitals). They are also prohibited to kill children and elderly. Allah Almighty said:
"Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors. (The Noble Quran, 2:190)"
The "limits" here in this Noble Verse were explained by our beloved Prophet peace be upon him to be the conditions that I described above before Islam's first battle, the battle of Badr. Our Prophet peace be upon him instructed the Muslims to not kill women, children or elderly. He also instructed them to not harm any tree or destroy any crop. He also instructed them to not kill any animal.
Women as I mentioned are defined as part of the "limits" by our beloved Prophet, but in the case of Noble Verse 2:178, where the enemy had started the killing of women, they become excluded from the forbidden "limits".
I have recently learned that under no circumstances is the killing of children or the elderly allowed in Islam. Nor is allowed the harming of any plants or animals that belong to the enemy.
The Israelis today on the other hand destroy crops in many acres of the land, and kill cattle and other animals that the Palestinians use to aid them to survive.
As I mentioned above, it was the US who started the bloody wars with the Muslims. It was the US who killed people from the Muslims first. And it is the US that supports the state of Israel's aggression against the unarmed Palestinians.
But according to Islam, Muslims MUST NOT start the killing! The enemy has to start it with us first!
The airplanes and the buildings had Children, Elderly and Muslims in them. How can the attack be Islamicly justified then?
The airplanes carried children, elderly and even Muslims in them! The buildings too had children (day care centers), elderly and even Muslims in them.
Well, this is the controversial part of it.
Favoring Views: The Muslims who see justifications in Islam for the attack would argue that the only means the suicide attackers had was to highjack the airplanes and attack the US. The US is a country that is very powerful militarily. It is impossible for the suicide attackers to wage a war against the US in any other way.
It is the US that terribly punished other Muslim nations before. So, to the suicide attackers, the US had to be "severely" punished, even if this means taking some innocent victims such as the children, elderly and Muslims (The attackers probably met some of them on the airplanes). To them, it's not like they intentionally went and blew up a Church or a hospital (which are sites that are prohibited in Islam to harm). To them, they tried as much as possible to avoid hurting the innocent.
Opposing Views: The Muslims who see no justification in Islam, would mention the points that the airplanes and the buildings had children, elderly (grand parents) and Muslims in them, which to them shows that this attack can never be justified in Islam. The suicide attackers are individuals and not governments. It is the responsibility of the Islamic governments to maintain the rights of their citizens and to wage a war on the US for their excessive punishment on some Muslim nations.
Please visit: Minister (Sheikh) Qaradawi's Islamic verdict that denounced the attack on the US. Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi is one of the most popular Minister in the Islamic world today.
Favoring Views: But then again, one would argue that all of the Muslim nations today live under dictatorships. These dictatorships are supported by the US and the West, to help suck up the countries' money and pour it into the Western Countries' banks. This is a problem that most of the third world nations suffer from, and not just the Islamic nations. The dictators get their pay checks from the American CIA and other countries intelligence. And for those dictators who later oppose to the US and the West, such as Saddam Hussein, the US and the West would get rid of them.
Keep in mind that Saddam Hussein was 100% backed up by the US and the West during the Iran-Iraq war. So to the Islamic Fundamentalists, the current governments in the Islamic World are not to be followed, but to be destroyed.
Islam prohibits the killing of non-Muslims living in Muslim lands!
It is prohibited to kill non-Muslims in Muslim lands or under the Islamic ruling. The Muslims have to pay taxes (which is 2.5 percent of their annual income) to the "Muslim Financial Institute" or the "House of the Muslim Money" which all goes to provide welfare to the poor and the needy.
The non-Muslims have to pay the same amount under the name of "Jizya", which is taxes that don't go to help poor and needy Muslims, but instead, it goes to the government to (1) Provide protection for them since they are a minority; (2) Provide means for them to practice their religions freely by building Temples or Churches for them.
Islam orders Muslims to forgive and forget if the enemy wants peace!
I don't want Islam to sound like an infinite loop problem where if one Muslim innocently dies, then everything else falls into pieces, and wars break!
No, we have to know that Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran ORDERED the Muslims to forgive and forget what the enemies did in the past, only if the enemy wants peace:
"But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in God: for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things). (The Noble Quran, 8:61)"
In this Noble Verse, we clearly see Allah Almighty ordering us, the Muslims, to incline toward peace when the enemy inclines toward peace. This proves that Islam is not a religion for wars, but for peace.
You can view entire article at below website.
When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.