
by Marisa 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marisa

    What is Salvation? How can i get it? What do I have to do for it?

  • kid-A

    Patience....they are coming to save us all.....

  • Bodhisattva1320

    no one can save you but yourself.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi and welcome

    I don't know much about salvation, but here's a song that mentions it.

    You and I must make a pact
    We must bring salvation back
    When there is love, i'll be there

    I'll reach out my hand for you
    I'll have faith in all you do
    Just call my name and i'll be there

  • lowden

    Welcome Marissa

    Salvation lies within IMO. It comes from wisdom, honesty with yourself and love of yourself. No other can give it or find it for you.

    I only see confusion coming to you from this thread, particularly if any Christians get hold of it.



  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Welcome Marrisa to the board.

    Although I am among the dreaded "particularly if any Christians get hold of it." group, I post no simple answer to that question. I am sure debate will begin to rage on the matter just fine without my input.

    Tell us a little about yourself. What brings you to this forum?


  • riverofdeceit

    Salvation from what?

  • whyizit

    Acts 4:12

    It is a gift. You can't do anything good enough to earn it, you can't do anything bad enough to lose it. You need only accept the gift.

    Example: Give a small child $5. Watch the reaction. Unlike adults, they don't hem-haw around and feel like they have to do something as a pay back. They don't stand around trying to give it back and blabbing about how they can't accept it, because they didn't deserve it. They happily accept it and thank you for it! They are so happy, they usually want to tell their friends about the nice thing you did for them. I guess that is why Jesus tells us to come to Him like little children.

    I also suppose that is why He told the Pharisees off. They were too caught up in being religious to "get it". That's why they didn't come to Him for their salvation. (See John 5:39-40) They knew the Scriptures, but they couldn't see that they were a witness to the man standing right in front of them! Jesus is the theme of the Bible.

  • whyizit

    Salvation from what?

    I guess that makes sense. If someone is telling you about a cure for a disease that you don't think you have, you would probably think they were bonkers. However, if you realize you have the symptoms, then you would want the cure.

    SIN. Have you ever looked on another with lust? Guilty of adultry in your heart. Ever hate someone? Guilty of killing them in your heart. Ever steal anything? Ever Lied? If judged by God, and the 10 Commandments are His standard that He goes by, are you guilty? A good judge is not going to let you off the hook. You will have to pay for the sins you committed. The soul that sinneth is the soul that shall die. Death is a permanent separation from God. (Adam didn't drop dead the moment he sinned, but he could no longer walk and talk with God as he did before. It was a spiritual death.) However, if Jesus walks in and pays the fine for you, God is justified to let you go. Jesus takes the punishment for you. Faith = trusting that this is true. Then you are no longer separated from God.

    Jesus was given authority by God to forgive sins. (Matt. 9:6) But, you have to go to Him. You have to truly be sorry and repent. Ask Him for forgiveness, because only He has that authority. That is the way God arranged it. Through Him and only Him, you will be forgiven, then you are no longer a child of Satan, but a child of God. (Romans 8 and Gal. 4) As adopted children of God, you receive the promise - the Holy Spirit. (How do you know it won't be an evil spirit, you might ask? Read Luke 11:11-13.) God knows who you are talking to. He is more powerful than Satan and will not allow the devil to intercept prayers that belong to Him. When you comply with God's arrangement, you are no longer a child of Satan, but are now a child of God. Now He is your Father. (Rom.8:14-15; Gal. 4:4-7)

    Comply with God's arrangement by coming to Jesus in repentance, and salvation is your's. Nothing further is required. However, chances are you will not be able to stop yourself from finding ways to spread the good news. Even if you do not realize that is what you are doing. Your life reflects it. It's called the "result" of being saved. Not the effort of trying to earn it. The result of simply accepting it.

  • Little Bo Peep
    Little Bo Peep

    Letting the Bible speak without any pre-conceived ideas may be hard to do, especially if you've been a JW. But there are numerous scriptures showing you can't earn salvation. It is truly a gift. Titus 3:4-8 says over and over again, that salvation doesn't come from works. Romans 11:6 says if it is by works, it wouldn't prove to be by underserved kindness. The works spoken of in the Bible are reflected in our daily lives and how we treat others, if it be Christlike or not.

    Little Bo Peep

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