Witnessing in public schools

by Why Georgia 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    Last night was my oldest son's open house at school. He is in public school now, last year he went to the private Christian school.

    As we were walking by the PTO raffle table, I saw that there was an information/brochure table too. So I go over to take a look because I don't want to miss out on any information about the school or upcoming activities.

    Someone had placed a stack of Watchtower's on the table. I was so pissed. I picked them up and walked over to the Principal and gave them to her. She knew what they were and she said she would make sure that they weren't set out again. I was happy, I didn't even have to go into my separation of Church and State - no religion being taught to my child talk.

    After that, I couldn't stop looking around to see if I saw any book bags or happy smily witnoids. Exactly how many hours get counted for putting out a stack of magazines? Is no place exempt from JW witnessing opportunities?

    Best Regards,


  • fullofdoubtnow

    I don't know about counting time, but I bet someone has those mags down as "placements".

  • Atlantis

    http://www.livingstondaily.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061002/OPINION03/610020316 Keep religion out of the schools

    What is it about people that they cannot comprehend the fact that public schools are not about religion?

    Should we just hang pictures of Jesus, Buddha, the Dalai Lama and Muhammad? Scratch that last one. We don't need any suicide bombers in Howell in the halls of our schools.

    How about the Lord's Prayer? Should that be said before each lunch and, if the answer is yes, which version should be said, because there isn't just one? Should classes be interrupted six times a day so that those who need to can face the east and pray?

    How many of you open-minded people like to see a Jehovah's Witness headed for your front door?

    Do you want them at the entrance to the schools looking for followers?

    Where does it end?
    Look, you can go to church seven days a week if that's what you want to do. You can attend a Bible study seven days a week if that's what you want to do. You can call your priest, pastor, rabbi or your imam if you want and meet with them anytime of the day or night.

    You can find choirs rehearsing and performing at hundreds of different churches within 50 miles of Howell seven days a week if that is what you want to do. But public schools are not the place.

    Dean Miller

    Howell Cheers! Atlantis-

  • delilah

    Good for you Georgia....I don't think they have any rights to do that, especially now that they've taken the Lord's prayer out of the public school system, here in Ontario. For years I stood in the halls at school, cause we were not allowed to partake, and now the JW's want their religious paraphernalia in the schools? I think not!! I'd be pissed too...they got yarbles all right!!

  • MinisterAmos

    Just don't complain when your kid's X-Mas celebration is banned for exactly the same reason.

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