Modern day immaculate conception!!!

by Elsewhere 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Hmmm.... I wonder how this could have happened?

    Death-row prisoner gets pregnant in solitaryThu Oct 12, 2006 8:22am ET

    HANOI (Reuters) - A death-row inmate held in solitary confinement in Vietnam for almost a year is pregnant and is seeking a pardon to give birth, a newspaper reported on Thursday.

    The Lao Dong (Labour) newspaper quoted a police doctor as saying tests in September confirmed that convicted heroin trafficker Nguyen Thi Oanh, 39, was then 11 weeks pregnant.

    The report said it was the first time that a death-row prisoner had become pregnant in Vietnam and that police were investigating how it had happened.

    Oanh's husband was serving a jail sentence at another prison in another province, the newspaper said.

    Oanh was due to face a firing squad this year after losing her appeal against the death sentence she received last year for possession of a billion dong ($63,000) worth of heroin.

    Trafficking more than 600 grams of heroin in Vietnam is punishable by death or life imprisonment.

  • daystar

    This link might work better for some.

    * edit - Hmm... maybe not. Unless I copy the URL and paste it into my browser, I get a message like the "article could not be found" or some$41T.

  • daystar

    Oh and... hmmm... very interesting...

  • Satanus

    The new messiah arriveth Seriously though, i bet it's one of the foxes that gauards the hens, so to speak.


  • snarf

    I agree with satanus, probably just one of the gaurds.

  • Athanasius

    I think you have your doctines mixed up. Immaculate Conception is the doctrine according to which the Virgin Mary was conceived in her mother's womb without the stain of original sin. No to be confused with Virgin Birth, the theological doctrine that the conception of and birth of Christ did not impair the virginity of Mary.

  • bigmouth

    Hmmm, there's an awful lot of dong around. I'd be suspicious of that dong. Find the owner of the dong and you've got your man.

  • hambeak

    Guard or dirty toilet seat

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