Friday 13th snow hits the upper midwest and NY.

by AK - Jeff 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    We had a little here - no accumulation. Just a few miles north a different story.


  • kwintestal

    I heard around Buffalo they got close to 5" yesterday. I'm 30 miles from there, and we just got a light dusting on the ground, but it was snowing quite heavily for a bit.


  • greendawn

    So when is it normal for you to have snow and what sort of temps do you get in the winter? It sounds that your winters are very severe if you are already getting snow which you will probably have until March.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    So when is it normal for you to have snow and what sort of temps do you get in the winter? It sounds that your winters are very severe if you are already getting snow which you will probably have until March.

    Well, Greendawn as mentioned we missed this first one. But it is quite cold already here. I live in Indiana - a state adjoining the Great Lakes in the upper tier of US. Winter typically sets in in November. March is thaw out as you state. The folks in New York got 2 feet in places. SOme winters are worse than others of course. This one is starting out a little too early for my taste. Snow and cold are certainly a part of it for a long time in our winters. Jeff

  • Nowman

    Yesterday, here in northern Illinois, we had blizzard like conditions in the morning, the snow stuck a little bit. When I drove to work this morning, there were little patches of snow all over...its a little early but still looked beautiful today!


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