What were your dating experiences like? Anything unusually good or bad in them? I never had much in this way since I used to meet women where I was working as a supermarket manager.
Dating experiences anyone?
by greendawn 6 Replies latest jw friends
When I was a JW we went to movies, bowling, out in service, and to restaurants, and usually with a chaperone. Once engaged, we studied the family book together.
This laid a fine foundation for our future as a married couple.We are no longer together.My dating experiences before I was a JW were much more interesting, memorable and fun.
No much of any "dating" experiences. We only knew each other 11 months before we got married and we only saw each other about every other weekend. Of course someone was always along to "accompany" us. I didn't know the real him until we lived together. Boy was I in for a shock.
I was a player.
I was rather under the impression that I should probably not have been allowed to be around a girl alone. I left when I was 18, so I never really got much a chance to date while a JW.
And even after, I didn't actually "date". I would "go steady" with a girl for a while, and when we broke up, later, I'd end up "going steady" with another. I never really dated until after my separation from my now ex-wife back in... 2003. It was actually quite fun. No commitments, just go out for dinner, drinks, and whatever happened after that.
I made sure I kept it that way until such a time as I met a very, very special woman, which I now have.
I was a player.
Hey babe, ya wanna study the "young people ask" book with me??? W
Lost Diamond
After I left the Org in 1998 I dated A LOT....I was like a kid in a candy store!!! Wow!! Did I have fun!! I think I somewhat made up for all the dating I didn't do while I was a JW.
I met my Ex-husband when I was 16....he was my first for EVERYTHING!! We didn't even have sex until we got married when I was 22 yrs old. Eleven years later I divorced him and left the JW Org. I was soooo naive when it came to dating, but it was fun learning about what I missed. I met some wonderful men, and have kept some very good friends from my "learning" process.
I did notice how naive I really was when it came to building relationships. I also noticed that I had very little trust in any man I dated. TRUST has definitely been a HUGE issue in my relationships. I'm almost afriad to get too close.....afraid they'll turn on me like my JW "family" did when I left the JW's. I also have a very big fear of losing my freedom and being controlled!
I have been dating a man off and on for the last 7 years. I've been the one to break up with him....and have gotten back together only because he has had the patience (or whatever the reason is...I'm not too sure) to want me back. When I start feeling the slightest bit controlled....I pull out of the relationship!