we did one year we heard that our CO's wife was caught doing it with a special pioneer than was staying with them, co was taken off the circuit, and our PO"s daughter was having a lesbian affair with her roomate, of course I knew before she dissasociated herself I told a sister i knew they were and she told me it was slanderous, then 2 weeks later it all came out, she then ran off with a dissfellowshipped lesbian over double her age, the other lesbian was publicly reproved but I have since heard shes been disfellowshipped for lesbianism, a question? I thought if you were a PO and one of your household was found to be doing something that bad then you had to stand down, is that right?
did you have CO scandals or PO scandals in your cong
by nelly1 5 Replies latest jw friends
Not necesarilly. Depends on a lot of things, age of child, did Dad have any prior knowledge, was child counseled about dangerous behavior but ignored counsil...
Also, unfortunatly, in some cong. it depends on how popular or how much pull the elder has.
Yes, big time PO, CO, and DO. But the all time best was our Congregation Servant (who later became PO for a few months before being booted. He not only slept with and eventually married his wife's sister (while his wife went to take care of his father (and she was being banged a young pioneer brother who got her pregnant ) but, the PO finally admitted that he was praying to the devil.
The truth is stranger than fiction.
It is all Simply Amazing ...
one of your household was found to be doing something that bad then you had to stand down
The term "household" can only be applied to close relatives living under the same roof. If the relative gets thrown out after the action they are no longer of the "household."
Ditto a wife can be divorced for infidelity and all privs retained as long as she gets tossed out.
I know of a PO with four kids all DF'ed, but he is clean because they got tossed in the street as soon as they committed their "sins." Got a million examples like that one and every striking one has an unhappy endidng.
Remember, it's not about doing what's best and perhaps helping troubled people, it's abou "cleaning the congregation."
We had a CO and his wife who got involved in some telephone business and who were trying to get all the brothers and sisters they could involved with it also. The society found out about it and let them know that as a CO he was not to be doing any kind of work or job and gave him time to make a decision to give the business up. Well, he chose to keep the business and was removed as a CO. I remember one of the pioneers in the congregation saying that as soon as the CO and his wife would get into town, they would be calling up congregation members wanting to get them involved in this business. Also, there were complaints about how his wife was always trying to hit up more affluent congregation members for new suits for her husband.
not CO or PO but service overseer...pompous ass...caught doing the nasty at a park in his car with a young new sister hottie...this was in NY...near WT Farm (bethel)...
he was caught by his own daughter and son in law as they went to the park for a picnic...saw his car their and walked over to see if he was there (he was suppossed to be leading the group in field service...guess he had a better idea)..surprise!!!...he was...with her...he gets dumped as an elder and df'd...divorced by his wife...she is only marked because she isn't baptized...she does get pregnant though...and has a child...quits trying to be a witness...too much stress ...doesn't like being a key player in a continuing soap opera...and major topic of gossip for years...
HUGE scandal...but kept very quiet given the area it happenned in....just one story among the hundreds or more that likely have played out all over the place...God's people...not likely...!!