I know that there are threads about the trinty on this site- but there is no end to the reasearch that can be had. When reading John chapter 17 you cannot help but see that Jesus had a relationship with his father. If Jesus is GOD in the flesh who was he talking to?
John 17 does not supports the Trinity
by architect 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
The question demonstrates that you don't understand what the Trinity teaches. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in Trinitarian teaching, are three separate Persons who make up the one Being known as God. JW's who try to argue against the Trinity usually attempt to distort the theory into modalism, i.e., that the three are actually only one person. That is not what the Trinity doctrine teaches. Since they are separate Persons, there is no problem with their having relationships with each other.
You would have a point if the Trinity teaching was that Jesus = Father.
But, that's not what it teaches.
Where can I find this accurate information?
Speaking of John 17:
"All I have is yours and all you have is mine, and in them I am glorified." (John 17:10)
Whoa...all God has is Jesus' too?
Here's a start:
Christians believe that God is three persons in one nature - God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit. We do not believe that there are three Gods, but one God in three persons. The divine persons are distinct from each other, but relative to each other and share one divine nature.
For the record there are many different kinds of Trinitarianism. The JW strawman is that all understandings of the Trinity are Modalism. There really are some Modalist Trinitarians, but most of Christianity, as already mentioned, is not Modalist.
Click here for more information. -
A few others reads on the Trinity.
Is it Biblical?
What did the Early Church have to say about this?
A detailed discussion on the charge that the Nicean formulation of the Trinity goes contrary to what earlier Christians believed:
A refutation of the WT's Trinity brochure:
How the quotes in the WT's Trinity brochure are taken out of context:
Thanks everyone for the info, I'll be sure to check it all out and see maybe what I have ben missing.