Does anyone actually have a copy of the new tract scanned? I'd love to see it before Monday.
New Tract link?
by jeeprube 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Here you go, JeepRube... sorry it's not an active link, for some reason the html won't work for me anymore, you'll have to copy and paste! -
Reexamine was down for maintenance for awhile but is back up now.
Hmmmm . . . Isn't that "harlot riding the wild beast" jw-representation of the UN? Perhaps the JW Affiliation with the UN would be a good talking point . . .
Thanks, blondie.
Very interesting: a tract entirely on false religion and not a single reference to the most vilified worldwide organization by the Society for the last 6 decades: the United Nations Organization.
Watch out for new light!!!
Observador. -
Blondie, thanks for the link, but I'm a bit shocked! The org. has in fact done or engaged in all of the things they say they despise. Pedophillia, Homosexuality, the UN, False doctrine, and the list is too long to go on. Amazing! Simply amazing! Isn't this the "Pot calling the Kettle black?" I'm just glad I'm out!
How to identify true religion
Trust in Gods word: Instead of teaching "tradition" and "commands of men as doctrines," true religion bases its doctrine on God's Word, the bible.
Can anyone say BIRTHDAYS ? -
The tract refers the reader to the Revelation Climax book which still has many references to the UN as the scarlet-colored beast. How much access they will have to the book is questionable.