He was pierced and afflicted

by MikeNightHaShev 0 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MikeNightHaShev

    He was pierced and afflicted
    his appearances marred....
    he was this guy?

    Makes placing Jesus in everything pierced look kinda silly now.

    Yes I have mention in my book about how people use selective reasoning to place Jesus everywhere there's mention of a piercing yet seem to have amnesia when the actual verses point towards Lucifer as the one pierced and the one fallen to the pit which is what perdition means. Jesus fallen to the pit acts 2:27 and 1Peter 3:19 and apostles creed show Jesus as
    the son who fell thus son of perdition.

    For example, the Bible, where it mentions pierced, they will automatically selectively place Jesus as being in that verse, even if it's not messianic, even if the context is contrary and events did not occur in his time period, or the words make it clear it's not about future events or one singular persona.
    So they place Jesus in two verses they claim are about him being pierced.

    In further examination of these verses we see in Zech 12:10 it is about "they will look onto Me who they HAVE (past tense) pierced and they mourned for Him like a son."

    That's 2 separate people not one, and it’s referring to the past tense no less.

    Now in context it paints a picture far from the missionary claims.

    Zech 12:3
    On that day, G0D Himself will defend Jerusalem and destroy all of its enemies.

    Zech 12:4-9
    G0D will pour out a spirit of grace and supplication toward the Jews. Grace is requested from G0D and supplication are directed to G0D.

    After the icon was supposedly pierced these events didn't happen, in fact the time to follow the Jesus period is quite the opposite, so no way did these Zechariah verses have to do with Jesus.

    The other verse they manipulate is the infamous Psalms 22 which proper Hebrew translation says; "at my hands and feet" a far cry from the fallaciously added mention of "pierced hands and feet". So now we saw two selective but phony attempts at placing someone fulfilled in these verses, however in being selective they managed to avoid the other verses where a piercing is mentioned. This is called a double standard whereby the standards of evaluation are changed at random and whim to fit the needs of the deceivers.

    What about fair and even standards whereby Jesus was fulfilling the fallen one of the Bible who was pierced?

    Isaiah 14:19:
    The Morning Star (LUCIFER) is pierced with a sword
    (Revelation 22:16 & John 19:34).

    Isaiah 51:9:
    The Dragon is pierced as in traditions depicted in icons.

    Revelation 13:
    About the Beast - the wound which was healed.

    Ezekiel 28:7
    I am going to bring foreigners against you, the most ruthless of nations; they will draw their swords against your beauty and wisdom and PIERCE your shining splendor.
    (Once again shining admission in Rev 22:16 and pierced in John 19:34.)

    Also the fallen one of Ezekiel 28 is sent down to the pit by the hands of his enemies for declaring himself to be a G0D. Jesus fulfilled this from the Apostle's creed - "He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell." - also read 1 Peter 3:19, and Acts 2:27. He went to hell (Hades).
    Dan 8:25 Satan shall be broken without hand
    (like Dagon = the fishman idol god called the devil who's son was Baal. In 1 Samuel 5:3-4 Dagon fell breaking off his palms).

    So we see how selective recognition and reasoning allows for some verses to be erroneously placed while others which are damaging go completely unrecognized or spitefully avoided.

    Dancing around the bible to suit deceptive practices, how convenient!

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