I was hoping to find a topic forum of general encouragement. Not finding such an area, I have decided to post it here, as this seems to be the closest. If this should have been placed in some other area, please let me know. Have faith in God — Mark 11:22. Our daily experiences since we became followers of Jesus have been guided and guarded apparently by the power unseen, to the intent that as pupils in the school of Christ, we may all be taught by him and develop more and more of the fruit of the spirit, and particularly more faith. How important this item of faith is we probably cannot fully appreciate now. It seems to be the one thing that Yahweh specially seeks for in those now called to be followers of Christ. . . . So according to our faith will we be able to rejoice even in tribulation. We cannot enjoy the sufferings; we can enjoy the thought which faith attaches to them, namely, that these are but light afflictions working out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. — 2 Corinthians 4:17. — Based on The Watch Tower 1904, 59 (Reprints 3324). When Satan puts mountains of obstacles in our path to discourage us, we may find it difficult to have faith in our Heavenly Father that such mountainous obstacles can be removed. Sometimes, however, what we perceive as an "obstacle" may not be what needs to be removed. What may need to be removed is the mountain of fear or hopelessness that we have built up in our own minds concerning our perceived obstacle. In such case, the mountain that would need to be removed is in our own minds, so that we would require a change of our viewpoint regarding whatever life situation we may find ourselves in. To have faith in God does not mean that we should seek only to have faith if Yahweh answers our prayers in the way we think they should be answered, but faith can firmly trust Him, come what may. — Job 13:15. Parallel passages: Joshua 1:9; 2 Chronicles 15:7; 20:20; 32:7, 8; Nehemiah 4:14; Job 35:14; Psalm 4:5; 27:14; 31:19,24; 37:3,5,7,39,40; 55:22; 62:8; 115:9,11; Proverbs 3:5,6; Isaiah 7:9; Matthew 17:20; Mark 9:23; John 14:1; Titus 1:1. The Mercy Seat From ev'ry stormy wind that blows, From ev'ry swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat; 'Tis found beneath the mercy seat. There is a place where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads; A place than all besides more sweet; It is the blood-bought mercy seat. O! whither could we flee for aid, When tempted, desolate, dismayed? Or how would hosts of foes defeat, Had suff'ring saints no mercy seat? There, there on eagle wings we soar, And sin and sense molest no more; And heav'n comes down our souls to greet, While glory crowns the mercy seat. PRAYER OF THE CONSECRATED WE don't seek, Yah, for tongues of flame, Or healing virtue's mystic aid; But power your Good News to proclaim— The balm for wounds that sin has made. Breathe on us, Yah; Your radiance pour On all the wonders of the page Where hidden lies the heavenly lore That blessed our youth and guides our age. Grant skill each sacred theme to trace, With loving voice and glowing tongue, As when upon Christ's words of grace The wondering crowds enraptured hung. Grant faith, that treads the stormy deep, If but Your voice shall bid it come; And zeal, that climbs the mountain steep, To seek and bring the wanderer home. Give strength, through Jesus, in Your might; Illuminate our hearts, and we, Transformed into Christ's image bright, Shall teach, and love, and live, like he! Christian love, Ronald http://reslight.net
Have Faith in God
by Reslight 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
While its good to desire to encourage people religion is far too specific an area to start quoting scriptures as the source of encouragement IMO. To have faith it presupposes that one has a particular worldview in which to have faith whether that be the come what may dice rolling approach to life through to the pure deterministic approach of a Calvanist. The scriptures are meaningless to a non-believer as a source of faith and to believers we all disagree on what they mean anyway. I like to move as far away from the scriptures as possible for my source of faith and seek to find faith by a one to one relationship with deity. If one finds that link great - if not at least you tried. People need to rely more on themselves and less on obscure religious phrases.
"When Satan puts mountains of obstacles in our path to discourage us, we may find it difficult to have faith in our Heavenly Father that such mountainous obstacles can be removed." - I found it much easier to live and be responsible for my own actions, once I realized that the bible's Hebrew language of "Satan" is not talking about a supernatural monster, but rather the human heart. The heart is deceitful above all things. There is no hob goblin to blame for our mistakes. We only have ourselves as false teachers to blame.
I guess that's ok, if u believe in god and the bible. Of which, I believe in neither.
Hello again Ronald!
I remember you from another JW forum I used to post to years ago.....quite honestly I can't recall whether we were on opposite ends of the pole or inagreement in our posts. I do remember you were always polite and well-mannered (do I get any points for remembering that? LOL), but cannot remember if we butted heads or linked arms! (My s/n was DizzBee.)
I hope you like it here....
reslight: "I was hoping to find a topic forum of general encouragement."
While I personally did not find your topic encouraging, I acknowledge the kindness of spirit that prompted you to post it here. -
Based on The Watch Tower 1904, 59 (Reprints 3324). When Satan puts mountains of obstacles in our path to discourage us, we may find it difficult to have faith in our Heavenly Father that such mountainous obstacles can be removed.
Oh,but that`s "old light". Outdated, Jehobah/Watchtower changed his mind about pretty much everything since then.