Did you have a Fierce Rival in the Organization?

by The wanderer 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer
    Did you have a Fierce Rival in the Organization?

    The organization always painted a picture that
    it was a peace loving organization. However,
    everything in the organization was not exactly
    how it was portrayed.

    My Fierces t Rivals in the "Truth"

    There were these two "brothers" in the
    organization that were wealthy and they
    acquired their wealth through unethical
    practices and we just did not get along.
    To the point in which it almost came
    down to physical blows between us.

    Years later, they were both criminally
    by the state, but somehow
    managed to remain in good standing
    within the organization.

    What about you?

    • Did you have a rival in the "Truth" ?

    • If so, what sparked the "bad blood"
      between you?

    Please add your commentary for a lively discussion


    The Wanderer

  • Dismembered

    Absolutely, most of all those "who were due double honor for taking the lead". a.k.a. "elders"


  • AuldSoul

    At first, I thought not. Then I started thinking back to one congregation in Georgia where lived a family that had it in for me. To this day, I have no idea what sparked the bad blood "between us." They were constantly critical of me and my decisions.

    Still, I didn't really have any bad blood toward them until the father and a son went to the elders and very seriously told them they thought I might be a government spy. They even made a case for that belief. An elder came and questioned me about it, initially refusing to reveal the names of my accusers because they claimed to be afraid of me. At the time, I weighed 140 pounds dripping wet. The father was a truck driver (enough said) and the son easily outweighed me by a good 20 pounds.

    At the time, I had befriended a bunch of guys in the area and we went camping fairly often in North Georgia. Some of these guys started to be convinced they were having dreams of their role in the Great Tribulation. One saw himself as being apopinted to lead a group of JWs into the woods for safe keeping, stuff like that. But they believed these dreams were going to come true. So I would encourage them along the lines that if those dreams were going to come true, what sort of men would they need to be first?

    I was later questioned by the elders about encouraging these guys to believe these dreams. Again, same family had done the accusing. I just asked the questioning elder (who is since no longer a JW, as it turns out) "Did Jesus correct every wrong idea his disciples had as soon as they said them, or did he use wrong ideas as an opportunity to encourage the disciples toward productive spiritual thinking?"

    Later, I was accused of inappropriate conduct in public with my fiancé. Same family brought the accusation again.

    Finally I just told the elders that if they get any more accusations from that family that they need not even ask me about them since I wouldn't respond to their questioning anymore unless that family first came to me with their accusations.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I am with Dismembered on this one.

    But then what does one expect within political circles, since that is what it is. Who would dare call it a 'spiritual circle'? I hated the politics and the elders who played them - which was all of 'em.


  • Woofer

    I didn't but it seemed that my mom did.

    She was refused for pioneering several times. My uncle was an elder in our congregation and he and my mother never got along. He wouldn't call on her during the Watchtower study. My mom used to do a ton of research and she usually had very thought out and in depth comments. If he did happen to call on her, he would say from the platform "Thats an interesting comment sister, I'd like to know where you did your research" (in a condeseding tone) - he was just trying to embarrass her.

  • LongHairGal


    I can relate to what your mother went through with the elder (your uncle) but I think some family dynamic of resentfulness was in play here. So he used the podium to "get revenge" in his pathetic way. I am sure she was smarter than him and he couldn't deal with it either.

    It seems they have a problem with women who are smarter or more educated than average. They only feel comfortable with the usual standard pat answers from the literature. They would rather listen to some little kid's answer so they can laugh about how cute it sounds.

    As for an intelligent women with an academically correct fact they don't know about they can't deal with it and get uneasy. It is almost as if it doesn't exist unless it is printed in their literature. Most of them read almost nothing else. They think this is "knowledge". Sad.

  • candidlynuts

    sisters in the hall are more subtle than to be an open rival..

    there was lots of two faced women who would cozy up to other women to get information/gossip or some other motive. they'd be nice and invite some sisters to something, use them and drop them and never have anything to do with them again till they wanted something else. most specifically the group of sisters who owned rival cleaning services. you would think they had multi million dollar businesses the way they cat fought to get clients away from other sisters.

  • daystar

    I stopped attending meetings when I was 18. I was pretty naive, so I was probably unaware if anyone did consider me a rival.

    There was one "brother" who was one of those "in crowd" types. His twin brother was an elder and they were both rather wealthy.

    Anyhow, some other elders' sons spent the night with this guy's son and apparently they found his porn stash. We were out in service on Saturday and they were all talking about it with me and a couple other guys.

    Apparently, I was singled out when this was all overheard because this "brother" confronted me and threatened me if I spread any rumors like that around again (for the record, I was a listener, not a spreader) and that he had enough problems with his son without me causing more.

    When I say "confronted", he grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me into his face, gritting his teeth. I always wonder why no one else either noticed or didn't say anything about it...

    He never denied having the porn, just didn't want anyone talking about it I guess.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    In the hall I attended there is one large family that basically rules the roost . It's like the mob ...once your in.... They have a rivalry going on with in themselves . This family has several elders , pioneers , and now through grandchildren w/ mates makes up about 30 or more members of the congregation ( over a third ). Two of the sisters and their whole families go toe to toe all the time . Other members of the congregation get caught in cross fire all the time . They can be vicious at times. They have also mastered the art of the fake smile and feigned concern for others , I think they missed their natural calling as actors or hitmen .

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