More on JWs in robes on bridge in 1800s rapture!

by Atlantis 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Atlantis

    The information I have received back from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Head Librarian is as follows: You'll have to research this on microfilm at the main branch of the Carnegie Library, 4400 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh 15213, 412-622-3154. Sorry we couldn't be of assistance.

    Angelika Kane
    Head Librarian, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
    34 Blvd. of the Allies
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222
    412-471-1987 fax

    So, I then contacted the Carnegie Library as instructed above and spoke to Barry Chad.

    To receive photocopies of news-clippings concerning Pastor Russell you need to contact the Carnegie Library, 4400 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh 15213, phone: 1-412-622-3154, or contact the Library of Congress. You must have: 1. The exact date. Year--month--day and name of newspaper. Barry said that in 1878 there were only 5 newspaper companies operating in Pittsburgh. Many libraries do not have [all] the clippings from every paper of that time period. So narrowing it down is a must! 2. You can research microfilm for yourself or have a researcher do this for you. Researchers charge 25 to 30 dollars an hour for this service. 3. If you choose to receive photocopies of newspaper clippings from the Carnegie Library you will need to contact: Barry Chad Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh 4400 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh 15213 1-412-622-3154 The first 5 photocopies of newspaper clippings will cost $10.00 Money must be paid up-front if you send a money order etc. Include in your letter and payment to Barry Chad, that you would like photocopies of the "strongest" articles on Pastor Russell. I was on the phone with Barry Chad for approximately 1/2 hour and he has several newspaper clippings on Pastor Russell, including a newspaper clipping that announced that Pastor Russell died from "Heart Disease" on a train in 1916. Barry said it was a Canadian newspaper dated November 1 1916. However, the article concerning Pastor Russell on a bridge in a white robe waiting for the rapture was not in his files. Barry Chad believes that going to the Library of Congress would be more successful. This is all I have at this time. Cheers! Atlantis-

  • Atlantis

    Checks, money orders etc. should be made out to:

    Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh


  • Kaput

    Gee, Atlantis! It seems it would be easier to just call the WBTS and get it from the horse's mouth. Ya think?

  • Atlantis


    Hi Kaput! How have you been old friend?

    Yes, it does seem like it would be easier to call the Watchtower to get the info from the horse's mouth, however, the information they give you might need to have 70 changes to it!


    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • greendawn

    If I remeber well Russell claimed to have been at his house and in bed at the time and not on the bridge waiting for the rapture.

  • RR

    I met Barry back in 1999 when I first went to Pittsburgh. I saw that little file he had on Russell, it was pitiful, so I sent him some stuff I had and he appreciated it.


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