My wife and I got a puggle puppy a few months ago. They are the cutest dogs. I was just wondering if anyone else here has one? He was a little tough to train in the beggining but hes got it now.
Anyone out there own a puggle?
by jrjr4189 8 Replies latest jw friends
Is a puggle a new breed, or a cross between a pug and a poodle? Either way, he's beyond cute.
No I don't have one but a friend of my brother-in-laws got one and I had the pleasure of seeing him last month.
TOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!
Is a puggle a new breed, or a cross between a pug and a poodle? Either way, he's beyond cute.
First off Thank you.. A puggle is a cross between a pug and beagle. Thats what gives em the floppy ears.
Wasanelder Once
Oddly enough, this is a puggle too. I googled "puggle" and got one of these. It's and Echidna. (Platypus) Wild, eh?
Your's is cuter.
Well, uh, be careful. They pee on everything. Gosh they are cute though.
Hi jrjr and wife!
Yes we owned a puggle for a year. We've owned other dogs before. He was so hard to housebreak, high energy, very loving, loved kids, but barked and barked and could not be broken from eating his poop. Tried everything. He was our first poop eating dog and it is disgusting.
The sire's name was Mr. Ugly and the bitch's name was Crass. So he came from questionable parents. lol
We gave him to a family w/4 small children. He fit right in and plays and plays and gets his energies out. They didn't say anything about his pooh eating and we didn't ask. They love him. So he's happy.
Enjoy your pup!
He was so hard to housebreak, high energy, very loving, loved kids, but barked and barked and could not be broken from eating his poop.
Sorry to hear about that. I'm glad he's happy. We have another dog who is 5 yrs old. and a big yard with an electric fence so he is able to get alot of his energy out. Did you cage train him? Just wondering because I think that has made him learn to go outside so consistently although he still has an occasional accident (once a week) when he plays alot inside. Here is a pic of our two dogs Braxton(Puggle) and Sequoia(Boxer/Rhodesian Ridgeback).
Yes we used that method w/the kennel cab. He would pooh in that too. That was a mess. Then I would keep him to the kitchen and take him out after play, eating you know the routine.
He also had a 5 yr old golden ret. to play with. I should say torment. He would eat that poop too; it sounds disgusting, but he would hardly wait for it to drop and he would eat it. Yuck!
Ours looked very pug; yours looks more the mix. We had a 13" beagle also at one time. She was no problem. And she was raised w/our older mutt. They got a long great.
Well at least Rookie is happy now. That's what counts. Your two look very similar!