I called the local newspaper about the KN 37, religious editor interested

by kwintestal 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • kwintestal

    I called the local paper today explaining that the JW's were starting a big "end of the world" campaign today, and that I had recieved a flyer in the mail today. I stated that many of the things the JW's condemned in it, are problems within their own church as well. After a good 10 minute discussion, I agreeded to forward her scans of the flyer with comments attached. She was interested because the newspapers has a religious column, but rarely has a local story regarding it. I said that everyone in Niagara Falls will be getting one in their mailbox in the next few weeks, so what a great chance to get a local story!

    When the WTS does a campaign like this, I love doing whatever I can to deflate the wind in their sails.


  • Zico

    Brilliant kwin!

    I'm quite tempted to try the same now... But I'd have to do it anonymously.

  • undercover

    The only problem is that it isn't an "end of the world" campaign...it's an "end of false religion" campaign.

    Yea, yea, I know, they're supposed to go hand in hand, but I don't recall the tract saying anything about Armageddon or the "end of the world", just the end of "false" religion.

    If people try to make a big deal out of the WTS preaching the "end of the world" again, it's too easy for them to say, "we didn't say that..." and the uninformed aren't going to be able to see through the smoke and mirrors.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    that gives me an idea.........................


  • rebel8

    In case this of assistance to anyone wanting to get the media interested.....here is a brochure I created with pics and quotes from wt literature showing how bizarre and strong their Apocalyptic beliefs are. (MS Word download.)

    Brochure: Are JWs Rational? A discussion of the bizarre JW teachings about Armageddon, including the consumption of the carcasses of unbelievers by wild animals. Compares these to other destructive groups in history. Contains a long list of WT literature citations. 4-page foldable color brochure suitable for printing on 2 sides of 8.5" x 11" paper.

    Just thinking ahead.....reporters may ask jws for their side of the story and they'll get a washed, toned down version of their teachings. Here's proof it's not really rational at all.

    ( This can be done anonymously. Just type up a note saying jws are starting a new Armageddon campaign, include the new tract and this brochure. I think the tract has been uploaded to jwd somewhere....)

  • freetosee

    Well done, kwintestal!


  • AuldSoul


    You never fail to impress me.


  • JWdaughter

    Hi Sean, did anything ever come of this?

  • sf
    I love doing whatever I can to deflate the wind in their sails.

    And it is very much appreciated.


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