Gay twin brothers were raised as witnesses!!!

by enlightenedcynic 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • enlightenedcynic

    Saw this article in yesterday's NY Daily News.

    Showed it to my wife and she nearly had a heart attack. Just further proof that many witness children are choosing an "alternate" lifestyle figuratively and/or literally.


  • MsMcDucket

    The Miller twins said they found the insularity of the faith alienating.

    "They separate themselves and as a result you can't put your finger on what it is, but you can feel it and it's odd," said Joshua. "Their goal in life is to not be a part of the world, and that means they don't socialize with people who are not Jehovah's Witnesses

    Main Entry: in·su·lar
    Pronunciation: 'in(t)-su-l&r, -syu-, 'in-sh&-l&r
    Etymology: Late Latin insularis, from Latin insula island
    1 a: of, relating to, or constituting an island b: dwelling or situated on an island <insular residents>
    2: characteristic of an isolated people ; especially: being, having, or reflecting a narrow provincial viewpoint 3: of or relating to an island of cells or tissue
    - in·su·lar·ism/-l&-"ri-z&m/ noun
    - in·su·lar·i·ty/"in(t)-su-'lar-&-te, -syu-, "in-sh&-'lar-/ noun
    - in·su·lar·ly/'in(t)-su-l&r-le, -syu-, 'in-sh&-/ adverb

    Yep, that sounds right!

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