A prominant news woman is in NK this week and doing interviews I wonder how the NK will use it as propaganda or the US. what's your take on this?
Diane Sawyer in North Korea this week what do you think?
by hambeak 9 Replies latest jw friends
Isn't it a bit odd that she's the ONLY one allowed there?
Isn't it a bit odd that she's the ONLY one allowed there?
It was said that this trip was planned months ago, before the current situation.
Oh, ok.
I hope they keep her.
I think China is finally coming around to the idea that NK is a problem. I'd be surprised if NK lasts much longer than 5 to 10 years. The question is what happens when the government collapses. Hopefully Korea will reunite.
I also heard that she is only western reporter in that country. I think we really don't know a whole lot about the people and what they really think of this whole situation it will be interesting to see what they feel about all this if they are allowed to speak which I doubt they will
I always thought diane sawyer was a korean spy in disguise. She is revealing all the US military secrets she obtained to korean's dictator Kim Jon Mentallyill (the king of the north)
Seeing as how she is a member of the Bavarian Illuminati, just like George Bush (skull and crossbones) and many other members of the hidden fascist regime, I see no reason why the North Korean government would have a problem accepting one of it's own.
It FREAKS ME OUT in how CLOSE it parallels my old life as a jw!
I really try to maintain my freedom and not let anyone control me like that EVER again!!!
It shows that people are the same all over. 'Some of them want to abuse you...Some of them want to be abused'.