The following was written by a man who was explaining that "Finished Mystery" was not Russell's posthumous work as it contained hundreds of false interpretations and that after Rutherford siezed control of the WTS after Russell's death (despite not even being an officer) he published Finished Mystery because he wanted to show that he was the new channel. Facinating...they knew immediately that Rutherford was full of *****.
Many times have we been warned against Satan in the Scriptures as being a wily foe, far more than a match for mankind unaided by the Spirit of God, and, even in the case of those begotten of the spirit, needing constant watchfulness and humble reliance on the strength and wisdom of the Lord to prevent their being tripped up by him.
The Apostle points out that, to the Lord's people he appeared as an "Angel of light."
How would he attempt to deceive "Truth" people, those who have been blessed with the wonderful enlightenment of this harvest period?
Only by seeming to come as an "Angel of Light"
—a Messenger of Truth, along the lines of this volume. Seeming to follow Pastor Russell, but placing wrong constructions on many of his words; treating his suggestions as if inspired; giving little twists to Scripture to make it apparently fit—thus leading to delusions; also, even when the things are true, introducing the wrong spirit—use of carnal methods, slander, reviling sarcasm, and scorn—"deeds of the flesh." '
Surely, the great claims made by, and on behalf of the Society, indicate a state of mind the reverse of humble, and far removed from that manifested by Bro. Russell.
They claim to be the "channel." They practically deify Pastor Russell—say he was the Lord's Channel for dispensing truth etc., and then direct the glory to themselves, saying, "Now we are the channel continued." They claim to be "another angel from the Altar," and state in the "Watch Tower" (1918, page 7) "It is now time to obey the Voice of the Angel."
They declare that this production of theirs must be accepted by all who will be overcomers. If we fail to accept it, we will not belong to "the little clock," "the Gideon Band," "The Elijah Class," etc.—won't go up in the "Chariot," won't get the "penny,", etc., etc.
In the "Watch Tower," March 1, 1918, all the Ecclesias are urged to reject any brethren as Elders who do not accept this volume, and are not willing to teach it, and who are not in harmony with the present methods of the Society—surely no more Papal method of dealing with the Lord's people was ever attempted!
In the "Watch Tower," 1917 page 293 it is stated that "There would be no reason why the Lord should change His Channel, or 'Chariot,' or method of bearing His Message to His people."
I would point out in reply to this, that the Watch Tower Society never has been the Lord's Channel in the sense suggested in this statement.
Pastor Russell—not the Society—was the Lord's Chosen Messenger or "Channel."
Pastor Russell formed the W. T. Society simply to facilitate the putting forth of his message; and it was never used for the purpose of putting forth any message from any of the brethren associated with him. In confirmation of this statement I quote Bro. Russell's own words in reply to a question in "What Pastor Russell Said," page 350. He says there:
"So far as the headquarters at Brooklyn is concerned, and my own identification with the work there, let me say, everything is under my supervision. Nothing emanates from there contrary to my conscience. . . . While there are many wise and capable brethren at the Brooklyn office, yet by present arrangement they are my assistants under my general supervision as long as I live. That was the arrangement made when I turned my property over to the Society years ago. This applies also to the Society's work in foreign lands."
Nor is there any indication that the Society since Bro. Russell's death is being used as the Lord's "Channel" for bringing fresh messages to His people.
The Lord never used a business organization based on a money vote, as His mouth-piece, to give forth "meat in due Season" to His people.
The "Society" consists of all subscribers of £2 and upwards towards the funds. Many of these subscribers are not consecrated, though appreciative of the truth, and have contributed large sums for carrying on the work. Each £2 carries with it the right to a vote—thus one unconsecrated person might easily outvote many consecrated persons; who are often very poor in regard to this world's goods, even though rich in faith and love. Bro. Russell passed away when his work was done, and it is presumption for any man, or men, to assume to represent him in his capacity as the Lord's Servant or Channel