i'm sitting in heavy traffic . on a busy avenue. with 100's of people walking around. I spot this lone jw, holding one of those little tracts in her hand. but not offering it to any of the dozens of passerbyers. i figure she's weak and just getting her time . on her way to work. so i stop. and ask her for the new tract. about false religion. but she has no wt material. so i ask her about false religion? she's not saying much. so i tell her i used to go to the halls back in the 60's and 70's. and i learned there what false religion is. she get's excited. and starts talking. i go straight into false prophecy. but never mention the wt. she agrees. i'm looking at her face and body and she looks maybe 28-32 years old. and maybe not a jw long. so i ask how long you have been a jw. she tells me 46 years since her birth. so your just a year younger than me. how did you feel about the wt telling us that we wound never finish junior high school , and the 1975 junk? she looks perplexed. i bring up false religion again. and ask her point blank was what we learn at the hall, truth when we were kids? she goes well no. but we got new understanding, i ask but didn't they teach at next to every meeting , that us little ones would never finish school before the new system? she admitted YES THEY DID PROMISE US THIS. but jehovah;s people got new understanding. i ask new understanding? did jehovah ever say this or was it the wts that told you this? she switches into thoses that choose life or death from duet. I JUMP OUT and tell her she has choosen death. following the wt . you have been around the wt long enough to remember at least 3 of their false proheices for the end of the world. etc. we talked a little longer . i don't think she's a strong jw. she said it was all my opinion. that the wt was false. so i went to the satanic ritual of the memorial. and got out my bible. and read her jn 6 then asked her who has choosen life or death , then switched to matt 23 about those who ain't going to heaven. want to keep you out also. there was more to this . i can't type it as it happened. but it went fairly well. john
talking to a lone jw sister today
by johnny cip 4 Replies latest jw friends
It amazes me how the JW can easily have the tables turned in regards to preaching. If they are not in control of the topic it's all downhill from there. I know, it happened to me.
she admitted YES THEY DID PROMISE US THIS. but jehovah;s people got new understanding. i ask new understanding? did jehovah ever say this or was it the wts that told you this? she switches into thoses that choose life or death from duet.
or they simply change the subject?
Johnny, I too, try to get a JW to admit to anything they were unhappy or disappointed in- that gets their mind into the independent mode and open to a new way of looking at the WT- from the outside. Many are looking for a way out of that cesspool. I zipped into two KH parking lots today and placed some tracts I made up- still a work in progress, but based on the youth before 1975. The May 22nd 1969 Awake promises youth" "face the fact you will never grow old- - - " I hide my tracts behind the gas cap door- that way they aren't discovered until days later-away from the KH and maybe the sister's teenager finds it-better yet.
That's a good witness John! You sound like you made some progress showing her some things with the bible. This is what I try and do as well. Of course, the only part I disagree with you is the going to heaven part. The bible says that only Jesus goes to heaven. We all stay here until he comes back to pick us up and bring us to Jerusalem, so that "every eye" will see him.
Hey Butters, could you send me a pm with specific scriptural references and include any scripture that contradicts that doctrin?