Will UN put (JW's )in charge of Afghanistan?

by Tanalyst 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tanalyst

    Since Watchtower is part of the UN. Will UN put Governing Body in charge of new government in Afghanistan?

    Drudgereport.com is reporting from The Guardian that USA will topple Taiban Regime, then allow UN to put in tempory gov.

    Kick one cult out and maybe stick another cult in there?

  • Winston

    Your one fuuny dude!

  • TR

    That's a great idea, Tanalyst!

    Give the WTS their own country, and see how many JW's will follow. Be interesting to see who refuses to go. Would the refusers be auto DA'd? And how long before Koolaid is administered to the flock?


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • jelly

    Lets do a compare and contrast:

    Under the Taliban
    Females are second class citizens
    Under Jehovah’s loving rulership
    Females are second class citizens
    Winner: Push

    Under the Taliban:
    Women are not allowed to be educated
    Under the tower:
    No one is allowed to be educated:
    Winner Taliban

    Under the Taliban:
    Justice is derived from the Koran
    Justice is derived from the Hebrew scriptures
    Winner: push

    I could do this all day. The point being there is very little difference between the two groups. Except of the fact that the Taliban has secular power and the Watchtower does not.


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