Maybe someone already posted this and if so sorry. My JW 86yr old dad spoke to me today and began telling me about the wonderful tract!! I tried not to say much(but of course I had to) and tried to just listen. Then I said I think everyone can deal with God in the manner they feel comfortable. I then said the people I feel reflect Jesus postition are the Amish. After the tragedy they have gone through and there true forgiveness they are pretty remarkable. So he did what he usually does and said I'm tired so I talk to you later. Anyway I looked at the scaned tract on Danny's post just to see what it looked like, and realized they really don't use JEHOVAH on the tract!! Is that strange to anyone else?
Anybody notice
by Champion 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's interesting that the Witness individual can get excited about a folded pulp paper tract that says absolutely nothing in a plain straightforward way. I read it 4 times and it says nothing. It's ambiguous, it leads, it implies, it suggests, it's uncertain, it's bigoted, it's cryptic, it suggests a problem and suggests a solution without clearly presenting a problem or without defining a solution.
The tract supposes to be written by an expert on false religion, but not one false religion is named.
It's written in a loaded language and it's intentionally intended to discourage understanding by non Witnesses. Witnesses think non-Witnesses will read it and see the same thing they do, but other people won't. It's called camouflage journalism. The Watch Tower Society is good at it.
If anything, a reader of the tract will be so confused that they may seek out a Witness to clarify the questions generated by the tract. This is a great time to make this campaign in the United States because we have the mid term election campaigns underway and political tract distributors are out en masse.
I manage some rental property in the city and I have been watching for Witness salvation tract distributions at my managed property and I have seen quite a few door to door canvassers throwing down printed tracts but no Witnesses . . . yet.
It makes me wonder if the Witnesses timed this tract distribution on purpose to mix the Witness apocalypse tract distributors with the political door to door tract distributors. Unlike the Witnesses, the political workers usually are adults. In fact, I haven't seen any children at all distributing political tracts door to door here. I see Jehovah's Witnesses using children a lot. -
Greetings garybuss,
Once again Incredibly perceptive.
Greetings back at ya Dismembered,
By the way, the political tracts being thrown down are MUCH better quality than the Witness's pulp paper soggy ink tract. The political tracts are high gloss 4 color on clear white paper and folded brochure size. The Watch Tower tract looks like it's a d grade middle school class project done on recycled paper.
If I were a Witness, I'd be ashamed to distribute this tract alongside quality produced competing tracts being distributed by consenting adults.
I feel sorry for these Witness kids dressed up on a Saturday morning and sent out to knock on stranger's doors. I think Witness parents suck green tomatoes. -
I feel sorry for these Witness kids dressed up on a Saturday morning and sent out to knock on stranger's doors.
Reading Gary's other comments on coincidental distribution of political tracts, I wondered if these poor little JW kids are also going to be out on the streets at the same time as the trick or treaters. The latter could even give a WTS tract to a householder who chooses the "trick" option.
I have noticed that much distributed literature avoids using "Jehovah" at least in the introduction sections that are used in field service. No sense turning the householder off from your goofy religion from the first mention of the name.
I agree that the average JW will expect more from these tracts than reality suggests. I have heard the buzz, "It's so clear, hard hitting." It's just a cheap looking folded paper with some ambiguous religious stuff on it. Even if a person agreed with most of it, they would be more likely to avoid all religion, than join the one that printed the information.
It's just cheap literature made by a publishing company in financial trouble, designed to make JW's feel good about the work. Expect more cheap campaigns in the future.
I didn't notice the absence of "jehovah" in the tract, but even worse than that, in my opinion, is the absence of "UN" United Nations Organization in a tract whose theme is the impending destruction of false religion.
As I said the other day, watch out for new light!!!
Observador. -
I wondered if these poor little JW kids are also going to be out on the streets at the same time as the trick or treaters.
Trick-or-Treat is at night - on Tuesday. Most of the JW kids will be attending their meeting that night.