Does anyone know who provided Jesus with legal counsel?

by Check_Your_Premises 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Check_Your_Premises

    I see perv ex-bethelite, Jesus Cano, has been sent up the river.

    It seemed to go pretty quickly, which sounds like a plea deal was reached.

    I noticed that there appears to be no other charges or allegations of crimes in connection with Mr. Cano.

    I know he served in many places and many of his assetts were seized.

    Did the society represent him, so that no more bad pub would be sent their way?

    Does anyone know?


  • sir82

    Quote from the news article:

    During the two-day, non-jury trial, Cano's lawyer John Ingrassia tried to show that there was insufficient evidence to prove Cano planned to go through with his intent to have sex of take naked photographs of a minor.

    Don't know if John Ingrassia is a JW, but I suspect not. Cano was disfellowshipped within hours of his arrest, and I can't imagine a JW lawyer offering his services for a disfellowshipped person.

    My best guess is that Ingrassia is a public defender, given that Cano was a long time Bethelite, and would have no money at all for any kind of legal representation.

  • AuldSoul
    Does anyone know who provided Jesus with legal counsel?

    Apparently, he defended himself. Pro se, I believe they term it. At least, that's the way the story goes in the Gospel accounts. (Sorry...couldn't resist)

  • uwishufish

    Didnt he defend himself with the sword of the lord?

  • cruzanheart

    Oh, HA, Auld Soul, you beat me to it!

    Jesus Cano, on the other hand, probably had court-appointed counsel. I base that on his circumstances: the Society washed its hands of the man because he had been caught and his sin blasted all over the newspapers (can't have bad press, oh my goodness, no!), so they wouldn't have provided legal counsel for him. And since he had been at Bethel he probably didn't have any money, so he would have had to have the court appoint a lawyer who was willing to work pro bono.

    I'm sure' he'll make a lot of new friends in jail . . .



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