This weekend I was having a discussion with my husband about "listening to that inner voice" - you know, the one that says you should take that risk because you could be a real success, but you talk yourself out of it. Or it tells you not to trust that office mate, but you convince yourself you're being silly, only to get back-stabbed later on. That "inner voice" that somehow can notice those subtle, unconscious messages that we miss in our conscious state.
I told my husband that I was going to work on listening to that voice - and stop talking myself out of things when I just know it is something I should do - mostly with career decisions and relationships in mind.
After this discussion I head to the grocery store to get some goodies for the football game. As I'm checking out I start to run my debit card through the pin-pad machine and notice that someone has left a fortune cookie fortune next to the pin-pad machine - it reads "You will be a winner."
For some reason I immediately feel like I need to go buy a lottery ticket. Now - I NEVER buy lottery tickets. I'm pretty fiscally minded and see them as a complete waste of money (except to buy scratch tickets as stocking stuffers for some fun on x-mas morning). I know that I have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than I ever would of winning the lottery.
But it is a weird feeling - I just know I should buy one - only - not at the grocery store. For some reason I felt compelled to drive across the stree to the quick mart and get one there. I'm about to dismiss it as a stupid idea and move on when I remembered my conversation with my husband and decided - what the heck. It's a $1.00 - let's see what happens. Only - I feel compelled to buy $5.00 instead - who the heck knows why. $5.00 friggin dollars could buy me lunch - but I feel the need to go across the street and play Lotto.
I go across the street,spend $5.00 and guess what - I am an instant $25.00 winner. Apparently the day before Washington State started a promotion - if you buy a $5.00 ticket you have a chance to win a cash prize voucher valued between $25 and $500 On the Spot.
How weird is that?! I feel like someone is confirming my conversation with my husband - that we need to listen to that inner voice because it knows more than we give it credit.