How many people would follow or obey God if they didn't approv of His means

by The Dragon 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    I see this alot lately.

    A person can get valuable information from someone....but they will ignore it if the person is not approved by thier chosen means of communication.

    What would happen if God spoke through one of us? Would anyone listen? Or would they condemn His decision using us..because they did not approve? And refuse to listen.

    My mom is a JW....and is like this very much...

    Is that arrogance or stupidity....or is it the same thing just different word?

  • megsmomma

    I think it is amazing that the JW's will listen to all the ORG says.....Just because they THINK it is Jehovahs mouthpeice...and some will even admitt they don't think they do things the right way, but ignore their misgivings. And you said ..if someone had something of value to tall them, they would turn a deaf ear just because the source is not someone they are allowed to listen to.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    That judgement and arrogance could cost them their lives too.


  • AlmostAtheist
    What would happen if God spoke through one of us? Would anyone listen? Or would they condemn His decision using us..because they did not approve? And refuse to listen.

    Remember the movie "Oh God!"? God tries to use a guy as a modern-day mouthpiece, but everyone thinks he's just crazy. Not until he works a few genuine miracles does anybody really buy his story.

    God would need to do more than offer words thru a man. He'd need to produce some miracles. Then people would listen.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    What would happen if God spoke through one of us? Would anyone listen? Or would they condemn His decision using us..because they did not approve? And refuse to listen.

    They would just dismiss us a some kind of nut, and lock us away for our own safety. I doubt many would listen even if we performed miracles, after all Jesus did that, and not many listened to him.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    I wonder why?

    Why was the pharisees and teachers so intimidated by Him?

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