So I changed my address... online and I thought, wow, that was easy. I also paid a buck to register to vote. Both were over 3 months ago.
I go to vote today in early voting but to no avail. "We have you at #### abc address." I tell her that I changed it. She says, "oh it takes a while for that to change." My wife and I wondered how it could take over 3 months to change a simple address and register us to vote at our new address? How could the government be so slow and inefficient. Our transportation department is a joke, compared to the team that just put in some toll roads. Why?
Is there any part of the US Government, or any for that matter, that can be construed as "efficient" compared to a private company? I could not think of one instance. Please help me out here.
I still say that if you want something done ahead of schedule there needs to be a profit involved or a commission. Imagine if the Post Office paid each worker a commission for each person helped. Wow!