I've seen mentioned here that the NWT 's use of the name Jehovah is incorrect or overused. Can anyone tell me more about this and show proof? Thanks.
Jehovah in NWT
by becca1 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
^ that's just about everything you need to know.
I wanted a complete answer. I downloaded and printed this 70 page book from the internet. Great stuff
The book referenced by onthewayout is very good.
Basically, YHWH is never used in any ancient texts of the New Testament. So all 237 occurences in the NWT are spurious additions. There is ample proof that it should not be there. Over 5000 Ancient Greek documents exist, and not a single one contains the word Jehovah. Secondly YHWH is not used by the AnteNicene fathers. Neither is there any discussion in any of their works about it being removed. So the onus of proof is on the WTS to explain why they add it.
The WTS has a couple of reasons. One is the J translations. However, these are no more authoritative than the NWT itself. Starting in 1385 some Jewish translators (ironically part of the Trinitarian Bible Society) started translating the ancient Greek texts into Hebrew. The Greek texts they use are the same we have today, and none have YHWH in the text. These translators chose to add YHWH back. The WTS uses the example of these translators from 1000 years after Jesus when adding Jehovah.
The WTS claims to have added Jehovah when the New Testament quotes the Old Testament. This too is inaccurate. of the 237 occurences only half are from the OT, so the rest of the occurences have been added at the translators discretion.
The WTS also quotes George Howard, who put forward a theory that YHWH could have been removed. Appendix 1D of the NWT Reference Edition quotes Howards theory and then states "We do not consider this view a "theory", rather, a presentation of the facts of the history of the transmission of Bible Manuscripts." There is no proof that it is a fact, other than the WTS wanting it to be a fact.