Christians today don't KNOW Jesus. Let's test the waters here, and see what's important to you folks. *************************************** Allow me to give a quick outline of the radical nature of the Gospel of Mark. To what end? What was the outcome of Jesus' rebellion : He FREED His people from dogma and doctrine, so that they could create good outcomes for themselves, while also being law-abiding. Instead of rebelling overtly and violently--WHICH WAS THE HISTORICAL WAY THAT JEWS TRIED TO BREAK THE CHAINS OF TYRANNY--Jesus taught passive resistance to religious error. Evangelism denies and avoids all confrontations with economic and social sins of the Booooosh administration. They have colluded with Congress to turn this nation into a gulag. They have twisted doctrines to show that Christians must support War and war-profiteering. What did Jesus do? NO HARM! Just passive resistance to sin and slavery. Mark 2:5-12, Jesus rebels by forgiving sins on his own Mark 2:15-16, Jesus rebels by eating with sinners Mark 2_18-20, Jesus rebels by not fasting on fasting days Mark 2:23-28, Jesus rebels by breaking the Sabbath Mark 3:1-6, Jesus rebels by healing on the Sabbath Mark 3:11, Jesus' divinity acknowledged by a demon. Mark 3:12 Jesus demands that his practices be hidden (also in 5:43, 7:36, 8:26) Mark 3:20-21, Jesus is considered insane by his relatives. Mark 3:22-30, Jesus condemns those who condemn his exorcism Mark 3:31-35, Jesus spurns his natal family Mark 4:2-9, Jesus, a mystic of parables, not a rabbi Mark 4:10-34, Jesus tells secrets to initiates only Mark 5:5-8, Jesus' divinity acknowledged by a madman Mark 6:2-8, Jesus, son of Mary, offends the Synagogue Mark 7:10-13, Jesus revises the Law of Moses Mark 7:14-23, Jesus rebels against Dietary Law Mark 7:25-30, Jesus rebels by healing Goyim Mark 8:27-30, Jesus demands His Divinity be kept secret. Mark 9:38-40, Jesus shows kinship with all itinerant exorcists Mark 10:2-8, Jesus rebels against traditional Jewish divorce Mark 11:15-18, Jesus rebels against Temple authorities Mark 11:27-33, Jesus rebels against the Elder Mark 12:13-17, Jesus stands up for Caesar and his tax Mark 13:1-2, Jesus spurns the Temple at Jerusalem Mark 14:22-26, Jesus rejects Passover and Institutes His own Mark 14:53-64, Jesus is condemned for claiming to be Divine (as a "walk-in" today) Mark 15:15, Jesus is hung on a tree, evoking a Jewish curse Mark 16:17-20, Jesus claims magic practices for all his followers. So, one must come to the conclusion that Jesus RADICAL in that He rejected the forms of Judaism that created slavery and thought-controls, He was not just A NICE GUY. But He was also harmless. Now, read Paul's epistle. Be nice this, be nice that, don't make waves, everybody think alike, obey the authorities, everything is law-full, go along with the program. Conform to "the system." 180 degrees wrong. And "YOU" (namely, all the "Wimpus Magicus" Evangelists in the Church) who ACT super-nice, super-compliant, super-complacent, are cut right out of the cloth of Paul. You don't even KNOW WHO or WHAT Jesus was or is! You don't even know what you've signed up for! You're busy "being nice" and "making nice"; but that isn't what Jesus did and that is not what we agreed to DO! Unless you be MORE RIGHTEOUS THAN THE SCRIBES AND PHARISEES, YOU WILL IN NO WISE ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. Being Righteous is not being merely a sob-sister or hand-wringer! Being Righteous means going out and confronting the Evangelists who believe that their thoughts about Jesus have something to do with their personal salvation. Well, according to the Law, it's behavior. And according to Jesus, who said the Law is NOT SUFFICIENT to guarantee outcomes, we have to DO MORE THAN THE LAW--NOT LESS. We have to be HARMLESS, not merely Law-abiding!! Paul teaches, do nothing; only your beliefs guarantee your place. Horsefeathers!! And the entire Evangelical wing of the Church is INFECTED with this vile complacency. "Talk talk talk on Sunday (the WRONG DAY)!!! And then go sin all week long and clean the house on God's Sabbath; BUT God won't notice. Vile veiled evil. Emily
WHY Evangelicans ROOT FOR Jihad and WAR -- 1st Post by Newbie
by chaiyah 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well, I read your post, but am confused. Are you a Christian? Were you involved at any time with Jehovah's Witnesses? You seem to be against evangelical Christians. What are you for?
The Dragon
Question is.....why spend all that time and research putting that all together and presenting it to everyone?
There is no money or power to be made from it.....I am thinking the intentions behind it are because they honestly care and don't want to see others misled by self-serving people and their guesses.
What else would a person attack a huge, powerful, and rich enemy like that?
Welcome Newbie!!!
Glad to have you and your big heart on here!
My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
I don't know what you are talking about....but I love the sound of your name.
Chai-yah...with the emphasis on the second part. It sounds like the perfect kung fu cry in a Bruce Lee movie.
Oh, I'm Baaaaaaad.
The WBTS kicked me out thirty years ago, for asking questions.
"Chaiyah" is Hebrew for a living, breathing being. Or if you take it one syllable at a time, "Chai" is light or life and "yah" is to actuate : a "lightswitch."
They don't like me much, over at
I bother them. Oh well.
: ) Chai
Lady Liberty
Welcome to the forum!
Lady Liberty
The Dragon
They seem to not be up for scrunity of their motivations behind their claims. I also noticed this quickly.....
But anyone who claims to be a guest in God's mind gets a severe amount of questions from me. I can't really explain it...but red flags start popping up I would really like to have some answers to some of my questions only He truly knows.