Is is from an advertisement for the Millions booklet that appeared on the back page of several Golden Age magazines, It says: Do these things appeal to you? Unending human life; perpetual health;... no more fear of the landlord, the doctor, the sheriff, the employer, of evil men and angels, of vicious animals, of dependent old age; no more blindness, lameness, deafness, dumbness; no more bald heads, glass eyes, false teeth, or wooden legs; no more sickness, disease, or pestilence; no more ignorance or superstition; no more sorrow; no more tears! No, we are not trifling: these things and more are absolutely sure, because promised by the Word of God. The world has already ended,... earth's times of restitution, its springtime, begins to count in 1926. When that times comes, all the above blessings will not come instantaneously, but will come speedily on those who live through the next five or six years of trouble. [5]
Does anyone have this Golden Age scan?
by PaNiCAtTaCk 5 Replies latest jw friends
Is there a particular issue of the Golden Age cited?
Nathan Natas
How's this?
LOL @ the internet reference.
The grammar of that passage is horrible btw. I wonder who wrote it.
"no more ignorance or superstition"
What?!!! That was written by the publishers of The Golden Age magazine?
They lived their whole lives in ignorance and supersition!
The problem was their egos were so inflated they didn't realize it.
Nathan Natas
Yes, the final two paragraphs ("Now obtainable..., From your bookseller...") were altered for a more modern purpose, but the rest of that image is precisely how it appears in the old issue of The Golden Age, minus the flyspecks and boogers.
The ad is in the public domain by the way.
Have your way with it.
I have to admit I admire the skill of the artist who drew those old ads; that Art Deco/Art Nouveau lettering is sweet, even if the grammar is from hunger.