Many of us have recieved the "THE END OF FALSE RELIGION IS NEAR" tract by one of the most corrupt organizations on earth,the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.Delivered by members of thier religion the Jehovah`s Witness`s..Ironicly the tract gives instructions on how to identify False Religion,it reads:"MEDDLES IN WAR AND POLITICS"..The WBT$ owns 50% of the Rand Cam Engine Corp.which recieved a 500million dollar contract from the US Navy.The WBT$ also had an association with the "United Nations NGO"....."SPREADS FALSE DOCTRINE"..For decades the WBT$ taught Jehovahs Witness`s "The Generation of 1914 would never die"..They are liars and no longer believe,teach,or preach this False Doctrine..Just one of many False Doctrines preached and disgarded by the WBT$....."TOLERATES IMMORAL SEX"..TV magazines in many countrys have done programs on the epidemic of sexuall abuse of children by Jehovah`s Witness`s..Spokesman for the WBT$ J.R.Brown admitted on National Television,to 27,000 known sexuall child abusers in the Jehovah`s Witness religion.....Truely,a tract Written by Decievers and Delivered by Idiots...OUTLAW
..Written by Decievers ..Delivered by Idiots..
by OUTLAW 6 Replies latest jw friends
The tract sure was written by deceivers and story-spinners, I hate to think that once I was one of the "idiots" that use to go and hand out that pack of lies to try and brainwash the masses. Hopefully more Dubs will start to realize the deceptions of the borg and the tract work will become obsolete.. ok so..... obsolete is a big hope,, but at least maybe there will be less idiots out in the streetwork!!
The thread title is the perfect way to sum up this campaign Outlaw.
I just wonder, if the secret paedophile database does get opened, if those words about false religion tolerating child abuse by it's leaders will come back to haunt them, let's hope so.
Got a link that provides proof of the WT connected with Randcam? I'm looking for something like the U.N.'s webpage about the WT thing on their official site, because it's easy for dubs to deny it if they just see it from a news article, but when even the official site has something on the WT, they can't deny it; they just make excuses. Hahaha.
I don't think that all the points in your post can be truly substantiated , but your headline is true enough...
LillyBird..We all were idiots.....Fullofdoubtnow..I hope this is the begining of the end for sexuall preditors among the JW`s.....Chameleon..I suck at links,but I can get you where you need to go..Punch up my Topic history..Look for my thread"More Rand Cam Corp.Info"..There you will find links on all the information provided by posters"DogPatch","Nelly136" and "sf".....BluesBrother..My points have been done to death through the years,by threads of posters on this board..Thanks for the comments guys!...OUTLAW
Just curious for personal reasons to see proof of this: "The WBT$ owns 50% of the Rand Cam Engine Corp."