I have noticed that the JW like to travel a lot. Is this to get away from the Borg . What ya think?
Why are the JWs fascinated with Palm Springs and Mexico
by headmath 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Everyone I knew went to Hawaii or Mexico..... a lot.
No idea why, no imagination for where else they could go, I guess .. I was always too broke to go anywhere.
In our hall the favorite vacation was Disney World in Florida.
I think they were drawn there because of the Magic Kingdom.
Well, most JWs travel at least 3 times a year to the CA, SD, and DC. Many make a yearly pilgrimage to tour Bethel.
Maybe you live in an area with JWs who have the discretionary funds to travel...not so in every area. Remember that there are JWs in many countries not just the US, or Canada, or UK, Australia or Europe.
It can be regional too. In my area few people (even non-JWs) choose Palm Springs or Mexico (sounds like a California retreat) as a travel destination. Florida and Las Vegas are huge choices because they get a lot for the price.