i just had 2 elders come over this morning. 2 witness ladies offered me the latest mags as i walked down my driveway. (they really dont put as much effort into their presentations as before) Anyways i took the mags and gave them 2 bucks and my phone number. The husband of one of the ladies called me and set up an appointment for saturday morning. He brought a buddy with him who was obviously an elder by his tone and the way he used his bible. i argued that Jehovah's Witnesses shouldnt "play God" by disfellowshipping members who exercise their own conscience in grey areas such as 144,000 and 1914 and that submission to all the JW beliefs should not be a prerequisite to an approved standing with their Creator. I think they were suspicious of me and threatened to leave a few times but it turns out they are comming back but i dont think i can deal with them one on one so i am going to set up my roommate who is pretty staunch in his own beliefs and see if they manage to persuade him.
2 elders over
by Jamie_from_Canada 7 Replies latest jw friends
i am going to set up my roommate who is pretty staunch in his own beliefs and see if they manage to persuade him.
Of what. The error of their ways. Will never happen. As soon as they see you or your roommate are not interested in their one way script they will drop you like a hot potato.
Yeah, its probably not going to go far, if they get flustered, they will just leave, and decide you are a lost cause. It won't change their minds on a thing. Unless they are looking to have their minds changed, but most aren't.
When they come back offer them some kool-aid to drink.
I offered them some cookies the first time but they didnt accept. I got a bet with my roommate. He has some questions on the JW concept of hellfire. I am betting 5 bucks that if he listens sincerely and openly to their reasoning that he will be persuaded to believe they have the right scriptural understanding of hell and the soul. I should clarify: By staunch I mean that he has expressed having had conversations in the past with JW's and has already come to the conclusions that they do not have the truth. He is in his mid-thirties and found that i have been able to be semi-persuasive with him on certain matters. As for the elders, they got a little touchy when they saw my bluntness on organization blunders but i dont think they doubt my sincerity at this point and so offered to come back. Will just have to see what happens.
(Maybe this sounds stupid but this is just my way of dealing with the persistance of JW's comming to my door and telling me they possess the truth. I felt they misrepresented THEMSELF to me from the start-so why should i present my true self to them and open myself up to more abuse confessing i"m disfellowshipped. 2 can play their game. You might as well have some fun with it)
johnny cip
Jamie; if you want to argue HELL WITH THEM. use rev 20:10 AND ECC12:7 luke 16:17-31 ETC. but i would steer clear of such banter. and ask them to prove jesus choose the wt in 1918/19 only from wt books printed till 1918/ then start bringing all the wacky false just they were teaching at the time . and ask them point blank. so jesus choose these pyramid worshipping false prophets. in 1918? what ever topic you pick . remember to hold their feet to the fire each time you get them in a corner. and press them. never let them off the hook. when you bust them lying. have fun. john
so i am going to set up my roommate who is pretty staunch in his own beliefs and see if they manage to persuade him
I see you have an evil streak in you. You would probably make a good Jehovahs Witness.
i argued that Jehovah's Witnesses shouldnt "play God" by disfellowshipping members who exercise their own conscience in grey areas such as 144,000 and 1914 and that submission to all the JW beliefs should not be a prerequisite to an approved standing with their Creator.
I'd like you to continue on with your original theme a little longer. Drill them. Do they think that YOU are condemned, your roommate? On what authority? Where does their authority come from?
If they try and point where other religions are wrong, ask for them to first demonstrate that they are right. Two wrongs doesn't make a right.