How beautiful the music combined with this all consuming collective grief we all feel in behalf of those who experienced tragedy on Sept 11 in NYC. I am moved at the heart and feel the pain that is being expressed here tonight via television. Humanity at it's highest level is being displayed through one another and the cries go up to heaven through the music and the words and the stories of the victims. I am ashamed that I turned my back on all of this as a JW all these years, and yes today I am very proud to be an American, and simply a human being reaching out to other human beings at this time. Peace to all here on this DB.
Telethon for WTC
by ARoarer 9 Replies latest jw friends
I agree with your sentiments.
I'm watching too and it's both moving and beautiful.
Ranchette -
Its kinda boring to me..why do 200-300 dead deserve so much more attention than the 6,000 others dead? The firefighters and polcie officers as part of their job risk their lives, they KNOW they might die doing their job..wheras the WTC victims were completley innocent and is the most tragic of the deaths.
Gee, I don't know......I think the police, firefighters, even dogs, the volunteers - everybody who's giving of themselves EXTRA is kinda cool.
As for the music and the stories, half or more of the stories were of individuals who helped save each other. But then the majority of those survivors went home - or to the hospitals.
The firemen, police, volunteers kept coming back, day after day. I would say that makes them different. Many of the voluteers, etc., did so without any pay, btw.
This tribute was not directed just to dead heros.
They told stories of bravery from those who survived also.
I felt it was honoring all involved whether dead or alive.Plus it was for all of us who griev the losses.
It was good up to the last song.They needed more mics.
Ranchette -
I hear what you are saying but I am also under the impression that this is also in behalf of those who lost their lives and for the families that were left suffering this tragedy. I know this is being broadcast internationally and it is focusing on the whole issue, including the children who are suffering from predjiduce attacks at school because of being of Middle Eastern race. This telethon is raising money but also raising awareness of what actually happened, the emotions behind what happened, and also a spiritual cry to God through their music. I think it's awsome.
Hi Ranchette, I agree.
I think it should have been longer!
"Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)
I watched most of the telethon and felt touched by the efforts of the celebrities. It seems they raised millions of dollars to help.
I echo ARoarer's sentiments of being glad to feel part of my country now and no longer turning my back on my fellow countrymen.
I'm with you. I wasn't going to watch it at first... had my rented video on standby. I expected something a little chintzy, you know? Something just thrown together.
But when it started with The Boss... well... that got my attention. The man has too much credibility, so I stuck around. I was glad I did. I hope they offer the entire program on DVD. I'll buy it.
Checked the website this a.m. but it's not up and running yet. Excellent program, I thought. And, it appeared to me the celebrities checked their egos at the door. Way cool.
why do 200-300 dead deserve so much more attention than the 6,000 others dead?Bboy,
Let me share something my sister said in email and my response:
Her: You know something else I'm sick of hearing about? The few hundred firemen/policemen who died DOING THEIR DAMN JOB.Me:
I can't dismiss what they did so easily. Yeah, they were doing their job, but when the bell rang, they answered its call. As you said, they were doing their job. Hard to trivialize it, as far as I'm concerned.In a world of incompetence, where too many want to pass the buck, maybe they aren't heroes, but their acts were heroic. They are as close to heroes as we have. My throat chokes up whenever I think of what they did... how they died. To me, they deserve every honor the City can afford to give them.
As crowds of people were rushing down the stairs, with tons of equipment strapped to their backs, they were rushing UP. Damn.
Hard for me to say, "no big deal."