What exactly do the JW's believe makes a person saved or not?
What do JW's believe about salvation?
by fudgepops 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Your first mistake is using the word 'saved' as a Christian would mean it. In dubland you can't be saved as Christians think of it. Only the 144,000 get to go to heaven, the rest have to put in enough hours going door to door, go to all the meetings, be good jw's and maybe, just maybe they will have a chance at making it through armegeddon and/or being resurrected and living on 'paradise earth'. (only the jw resurrection isn't what your thinking either, it's only the 'memory' of you that God has and He recreates you if you are deemed jw worthy)
Anyone who's not a JW will be killed by God. Anyone who is a JW is still not saved because they have to keep selling books from the Watchtower. They don't know if they're saved until Judgement day comes.
To earn salvation as a Jehovah's Witness, one must have the ability to completely turn off all rational thinking skills, shut out and suppress any disconfirming information, cultivate a reverence toward a committee of men in Brooklyn, study thousands of pages of Watchtower material per year, go door to door and distribute Watchtower literature, hate all other religions, think nothing but happy thoughts about the organization, despise and shun all ex-JWs, never question what the organization teaches, and don't have too much compassion for non-JW people; as they will be killed by God at Armageddon.
So, as you can see, this is truly a "kindly yoke" and "light load" just as Jesus said. Anybody who doesn't agree with this, is an apostate and an enemy of Jehovah God.
A beautiful organization indeed.
The Dragon
What exactly is their defintion of "paradise"?
Do they even know or have a clear description of it?
Authur pretty much summed it up nicely.
My question is how can I get my mom and friends out of there before they send them on a death mission?
Fighting at her level..is not producing the results I am looking for....
I don't wear a suit and tie...so my words mean squat to her right now.
Do I have to take the fight to the cause to get any results or what?
How do they know if they are part of the 144,000 that make it in to heaven?
I agree with Arthur but would like to add one more thing. As a JW, even if you do all that the organization tells you to do - you are never certain of your salvation. They tell you that you "probably" will be concealed in the day of judgement but you never really know.
I can remember an elderly women in my hall who was dying of cancer and as she was lying in her hospital bed she said to me "I hope I did enough for Jehovah". During that time I was already trying to leave the WT but that statement she made sealed the deal and it expedited my leaving. It helped me see the evilness behind the tower and I did not want any part in it for me, nor my precious children. Lilly
Since it is taught that ONLY the 144,000 are saved, or have a true relationshiop with the Father as they and they alone are under the New Covenant. Salvation for the rank and file JW (non-anointed) is hinged on their relationship with the remnant of this 144,000 class left on earth, nanmelty the old farts at Broojlen, Bethyel who spearhead the Watchtower organization.
"SO stick with us, do as we say and we'll be sure to put a good word in for yer when the time comes." is what the Governing Body are actually saying.
If there is no guarantee of your salvation or that you would make it in to heaven then why bother with doing all the duties that you are supposed to do to "earn" salvation?? This just doesn't make sense to me, it seems as if it would be a waste of time.
If there is no guarantee of your salvation or that you would make it in to heaven then why bother with doing all the duties that you are supposed to do to "earn" salvation?? This just doesn't make sense to me, it seems as if it would be a waste of time. fudgepops
That's why there are sooo many former Jehovah's Witnesses around. They all got tired of working to earn their salvation.
BTW, earning salvation is a false teaching promoted by most cults.