Ninety years ago today

by Skimmer 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Skimmer

    Ninety years ago today Charles Taze Russell passed to his reward.


    At the current moment, Old Jellyfish Russell is

    (A) Deeply regretful of his Earthly misdeeds.

    (B) In close company with Rutherford, Knorr, Franz, and Henschel.

    (C) Roasting in a lead coffin outside the infernal City of Dis.

    (D) All of the above.

  • fokyc
    (A) Deeply regretful of his Earthly misdeeds.

    (B) In close company with Rutherford, Knorr, Franz, and Henschel.

    (C) Roasting in a lead coffin outside the infernal City of Dis.

    Certainly NOT (A) JW's don't have the ability to be regretful for anything or the ability to apologise.

    Answer is (B) and (C) Just a heap of crap somewhere having been devoured by maggots and worms.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    He is just plain dead.

    I guess it will be a right royal hoedown for the Bible Students at the old pyramid tonight.

    I wonder how many of the Governing Body will show up to pay their respects?

  • Pubsinger

    In heaven with other believers.

    Inc Rutherford etc. Hopefully having accounted for, apologised and repented of their actions.

    Now aware of their errors.

    Saved by the Grace of God.

    Along with millions of other deceased JWs

    Having tea with 1 billion deceased Catholics.

    (Pubsinger ducks for cover)

  • Pubsinger

    Emo. get the kettle on

  • Stealth453

    Pubsinger should duck after that. hehe

  • Pubsinger


    Is it safe to come out yet?

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